The activities of Callisto
Callisto Medical Publishing House publishes in translation treatises for the medical practice, books written by romanian authors, monographs of pharmaceutical products, educational materials. The excellent long-standing partnership with Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Elsevier Science, McGraw Hill Professional, Springer Verlag, Thieme Verlag, Merck, resulted in the publication for the first time into Romanian language of well-known medical treatises:
- Novak - Ginecologie
- Consultul Medical in 5 Minute
- Consultul Pediatric in 5 Minute
- Lippincott - Farmacologie Ilustrata
- Kaplan - Terapie Medicamentoasa in Psihiatrie
- Netter Atlas de Anatomie a Omului
- Guyton Tratat de Fiziologie a Omului
- Junqueira Histologie Tratat si Atlas
- Langman Embriologie Medicala
- Manualul Merck de Medicina Veterinara
- Sobotta Atlas de Anatomie a Omului
The services provided by Callisto include creating a wide range of materials tailored to meet the needs of medical and pharmaceutical fields, that can be available in printed format, data base and software, and consist of:
- Obtaining copyright
- Translation of medical publications
- Acces to medical databases (including images)
- Books, monographs, brochures
- Editing, design, printing
- Pharmaceutical marketing services, pharmaceutical communications
A highly skilled editorial team is dedicated to the creation of targeted projects to meet your marketing needs.
For editorial proposals please contact us.