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Workbook for Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care

Price: 210,00 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9780323553667
Publishing Year: 2021
Edition: 12
Pages: 416


Reinforce your understanding of the concepts and skills described in Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 12th Edition! With chapters corresponding to the chapters in Egan's market-leading textbook, this workbook prepares you to succeed on certification exams with NBRC-style, case study application, and analysis-style questions. This edition includes two new chapters plus a wide range of activities and exercises to guide you through difficult concepts.

  • Word Wizard helps you remember the terminology used in respiratory care.
  • Key points identify the main concepts to remember in each chapter.
  • Meet the Objectives lets you assess your understanding of the key content in each chapter.
  • Case studies let you apply assessment and intervention strategies, and help you practice critical thinking.
  • What Does the NBRC Say? summarizes the expectations of the NBRC (National Board for Respiratory Care) and provides a sampling of NBRC-style, multiple-choice questions to help students prepare for the certification exam.
  • Food for Thought provides thought-provoking questions related to respiratory care topics.
  • Exercises in each chapter offer hands-on learning with a wide range of activities.

New to this Edition
  • NEW Heart Failure chapter reinforces the content in this new chapter of the textbook, challenging you to use recall and critical thinking skills. 
  • NEW Ethics and End-of-Life Care chapter helps you understand this issue and how to help patients and their families.


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