versiunea română

Tumors of the Central Nervous System (volume 9)

Price: 735,00 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 978-94-007-5487-4
Publishing Year: 2013
Pages: 320 p. 46 illus., 24 in color


This volume was written by 68 contributors representing 17 countries. The advantage of involving more than one author is to present different points of view on a specific controversial aspect of the CNS cancer
The contents of the volume are divided into nine subheadings: Lymphoma, Supratentorial Tumors, Glioneuronal Tumors, Gangliogliomas, Neuroblastoma in Adults, Astrocytoma and Ependymoma, Hemangiomas, Craniopharyngiomas, and Neurogenesis for the convenience of the reader
Color illustrations and tables are provided to clarify the results for the convenience of the readers

The ninth volume in this essential series discusses key advances in our understanding of neoplasms in the human central nervous system. This publication deals with various aspects of nine separate types of brain tumors. With 70 contributors from 17 nations, this edition offers an unrivalled thoroughness and breadth of coverage that includes the very latest research results on the following tumor types: astrocytoma, lymphoma, supratentorial and glioneuronal tumors, gangliogliomas, neuroblastoma in adults, hemangioma, and ependymoma.

The content introduces new technologies and their applications in diagnosis, treatment and therapy of tumors. It explains molecular profiling techniques that enable oncologists to select appropriate therapies for clinical trials, and discusses a number of surgical treatments, including resection and radiosurgery. Volume 9 is interspersed with color illustrations and tables depicting many of the results. This volume joins its fellow publications in a valuable series that fully explores controversies and debates in CNS cancer therapy, and furthers the scientific quest for effective therapies to combat cancer in all its forms.


I. Lymphoma.

1. Neurolymphomatosis: diagnosis, treatment, and outcome.2. Primary central nervous system lymphoma: systemic relapse.

3. Central nervous system recurrence in the primary Mediastinal large b-cell lymphoma: treatment.

4. Primary central nervous system lymphoma resulting in stroke and leukoencephalopathy.

5. Primary cns lymphoma: immunohistochemistry of bcl-6 and Treatment with high-dose methotrexate.

6. Thiamine deficiency complicating the treatment of primary Cns lymphoma.

7. Metastatic brain irradiation-induced lymphocytosis Predicts efficacy of radiotherapy.
8. Primary central nervous system lymphoma: treatment with High-dose methotrexate.

9. Paraneoplastic syndromes in primary cns lymphoma.

II. Supratentorial tumors.

10. Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor: biology.

11. Outpatient brain biopsy and craniotomy for Supratentorial tumor.

12. Wrong-site craniotomy prevention.

III. Glioneuronal tumors.

13. Diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumors: histology. Is It a new entity?

14. Temporomesial glioneuronal tumors: epilepsy surgery.

15. Rosette-forming glioneural tumor: conservative Management strategy.

IV. Gangliogliomas.

16. Ganglioneuroma: an overview.

17. Ganglioglioma, mtor activation, and epileptogenesis.

18. Gangliogliomas and other low grade neuronal neoplasms of the central nervous system: diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

V. Neuroblastoma in adults.

19. Adults neuroblastoma diagnosis.

20. Proliferation of neuroblasts in the adult brain: role of diversin.

VI. Astrocytomas and ependymomas.

21. Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma: treatment.

22. Acquired retinal astrocytoma.

23. Presence of both ependymoma and astrocytoma in the same patient: diagnosis.

VII. Hemangiomas.

24. Total removal of cavernous hemangioma using the tonsillouveal transaqueductal approach (method).

25. Cavernous sinus hemangiomas treated with gamma knife surgery.

26. Linear accelerator radiosurgery for cavernous malformation.

27. Treatment of brainstem hemangioblastomas.

VIII. Craniopharyngiomas.

28. Craniopharyngiomas: an overview.

29. Radical removal of craniopharyngiomas.

IX. Neurogenesis.

30. Neurogenesis outside the central nervous syetm (an overview).
31. Neurogenesis and reproduction.


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