Therapeutic Endoscopic Ultrasound

Preț: 640,50 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
Autor: Kalaitzakis, Evangelos, Vilmann, Peter, Bhutani, Manoop S. (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-030-28963-8
Editura: Springer Nature
Anul publicarii: 2020
Pagini: 277
Format: hardcover
This book provides an up-to-date review of therapeutic EUS with an equal focus on technical descriptions with ample endoscopic images/video clips by world experts and the scientific evidence behind the described techniques. The book provides an overview of the field in a structured manner, starting with general topics on equipment and service development and extending to the fields of EUS-guided drainage, anti-tumor therapies, and other specific EUS-guided interventional treatments.
Therapeutic Endoscopic Ultrasound is a key resource for endoscopists, gastroenterologists, surgeons, and GI oncologists.
Therapeutic Endoscopic Ultrasound is a key resource for endoscopists, gastroenterologists, surgeons, and GI oncologists.
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