The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology TWO VOLUME SET

Preț: 1995,00 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
Autor: Harold L. Miller, Jr.
ISBN: 9781452256719
Editura: Sage Publishing
Anul publicarii: 2016
Pagini: 1176
Drawing together a team of international scholars, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology examines the contemporary landscape of all the key theories and theorists, presenting them in the context needed to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Key features include:
- Approximately 335 signed entries fill two volumes
- Entries are followed by Cross-References and Further Readings
- A Reader's Guide in the front matter groups entries thematically
- Includes a detailed Index and the Cross-References, provide for effective search-and-browse in an e-version
- Back matter includes a Chronology of theory within the field of psychology, a Master Bibliography building from Further Readings of individual entries, and an annotated Resource Guide to classic general reference works in this field, journals, associations, and their websites
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