versiunea română

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education

Price: 3150,00 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9781473942912
Publishing Year: 2020
Pages: 1952
Dimensions: 4 Volume Set


With over 600 signed entries, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education demonstrates the impact higher education has had on global economies and universities across the world. 
Topics include:
• students burdened with higher tuition fees
• departments expected to produce courses and research that have clear and demonstrable social impact
• what the university is and how it meets social and business requirements
This encyclopedia touches on all aspects of higher education through: 
• key concepts
• debates
• approaches 
• schools of thought on higher education
• role of universities
As an interdisciplinary field, these volumes will prove to be an essential resource for students and researchers in education, sociology, politics and other related fields across the humanities and social science disciplines.


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