The Rehabilitation Specialist's Handbook

Price: 231,00 lei
Availability: discontinued
Author: Jules M. Rothstein, Serge H. Roy
ISBN: 978-0-8036-1238-9
Publisher: F.A.DAVIS
Publishing Year: 2005
Pages: 1074
This accessible, portable desk reference contains volumes of useful and handy information students need now and will refer to throughout their careers.
* Covers an extraordinary breadth of topics — from the full range of basic scientific information (neuroanatomy and clinical neurology, osteology and clinical orthopedics, general anatomy, cardiac and pulmonary anatomy) to the treatments and methods used in modern rehabilitation practice.
* Many components related to neurorehabilitation (Chapter 3) have been updated in this edition, including expanded coverage on Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, epilepsy, and brain tumors.
* Geriatrics section entirely revised and updated.
* Outcome measures section updated to include new, validated tests. Includes the latest information on specialties, from the PT specialist's viewpoint.
* Screened tabs for each section and an expanded, screened index make information easily accessible.
* New content reflects current practice, including material related to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF).
* Translations of clinical terms now include Spanish, Korean, and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).
Americans with Disabilities Act and Accessibility Issues (Including Wheelchair Information) / Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Orthopedics, and Orthopedic Therapy / Neuroanatomy, Neurology, and Neurologic Therapy / Pulmonary Anatomy and Pulmonary Therapy / Vascular Anatomy, Cardiology, and Cardiac Rehabilitation / Pediatrics / Geriatrics / Measurement, Assessment, and Outcomes / Kinesiology and Gait / Prosthetics and Orthotics / Psychology and Psychiatry / Electromagnetic, Thermal Modalities and Electrotherapy / Massage and Soft-Tissue Techniques / General Medicine (Including Oncology and AIDS) / Pharmacology / Burns / Reference Tables and Conversion Charts / Translations: Useful Expressions / Appendix: First Aid
* Covers an extraordinary breadth of topics — from the full range of basic scientific information (neuroanatomy and clinical neurology, osteology and clinical orthopedics, general anatomy, cardiac and pulmonary anatomy) to the treatments and methods used in modern rehabilitation practice.
* Many components related to neurorehabilitation (Chapter 3) have been updated in this edition, including expanded coverage on Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, epilepsy, and brain tumors.
* Geriatrics section entirely revised and updated.
* Outcome measures section updated to include new, validated tests. Includes the latest information on specialties, from the PT specialist's viewpoint.
* Screened tabs for each section and an expanded, screened index make information easily accessible.
* New content reflects current practice, including material related to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF).
* Translations of clinical terms now include Spanish, Korean, and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).
Americans with Disabilities Act and Accessibility Issues (Including Wheelchair Information) / Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Orthopedics, and Orthopedic Therapy / Neuroanatomy, Neurology, and Neurologic Therapy / Pulmonary Anatomy and Pulmonary Therapy / Vascular Anatomy, Cardiology, and Cardiac Rehabilitation / Pediatrics / Geriatrics / Measurement, Assessment, and Outcomes / Kinesiology and Gait / Prosthetics and Orthotics / Psychology and Psychiatry / Electromagnetic, Thermal Modalities and Electrotherapy / Massage and Soft-Tissue Techniques / General Medicine (Including Oncology and AIDS) / Pharmacology / Burns / Reference Tables and Conversion Charts / Translations: Useful Expressions / Appendix: First Aid
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