The Practice of Chinese Medicine The Treatment of Diseases with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Preț: 735,00 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
Autor: Maciocia
ISBN: 9780702079207
Editura: Elsevier
Anul publicarii: 2021
Ediția: 3
Pagini: 1320
Use Traditional Chinese Medicine in diagnosing and treating disease! Maciocia’s The Practice of Chinese Medicine, 3rd Edition describes how to apply TCM theory to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and conditions frequently encountered in practice. Covering common, chronic, and acute conditions, Maciocia’s provides guidelines to treatment with both acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Case studies offer real-world insights into determining effective treatment care. From an expert team of editors who were close to the late Giovanni Maciocia and who practice "the Maciocia way," this practical, illustrated text makes it easier to apply TCM in Western medical practice.
- Table of Contents
- Dedication
- Copyright
- Biography on Giovanni Maciocia
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Note on the Translation of Chinese Medical Terms
- 1. Abdominal Masses 症瘕
- Abdominal Masses
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Qi Masses Pattern
- Blood Masses Pattern
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Western Differentiation
- 2. Abdominal Pain 腹痛
- Abdominal Pain
- Aetiology and Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Conditions
- Empty Conditions
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Patients’ Statistics
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Clinical Tip—Herbal Treatments for Pain
- Clinical Tip—Distension, Fullness, Oppression and Stuffiness
- Western Differentiation
- 3. Acid Reflux (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease) 反胃
- Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease
- Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease in Western Medicine
- Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease in Chinese Medicine
- Aetiology of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease
- Pathology of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease
- Identification of Patterns And Treatment
- Clinical Tip—Stomach Yin Deficiency and Jade Spring
- 4. Allergic Rhinitis 过敏性鼻炎
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Allergic Rhinitis in Western Medicine
- The Chinese Theory of Bi Yuan
- Differences Between Allergic Rhinitis and Bi Yuan
- The Chinese theory of Bi Qiu (‘Stuffy Nose’)
- A New Theory of Allergic Rhinitis
- Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis
- Treatment of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
- Treatment of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis
- Clinical Trial
- Case Histories
- 5. Anxiety 惊悸怔忡
- Anxiety
- Anxiety in Western Medicine
- Anxiety in Chinese Medicine
- Clinical Tip—Rebellious Qi of the Penetrating Vessel (Chong Mai)
- Aetiology
- Pathology and Treatment Principles
- Acupuncture Treatment of Anxiety
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Case Histories
- Clinical Tip—Soothe the Shen
- 6. Asthma (Allergic Asthma and Atopic Eczema) 哮喘
- Asthma (Allergic Asthma and Atopic Eczema)
- Allergic Asthma in Western Medicine
- Connections and Differences between Early-Onset Allergic Asthma and Xiao-Chuan
- A New Theory of Asthma
- The Liver and Asthma
- Atopic Eczema
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trial
- Case Histories
- Patients’ Statistics
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Western Drug Therapy
- 7. Atrophy Syndrome 痿证
- Atrophy Syndrome
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Prognosis and Western Differentiation
- 8. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 前列腺肥大
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- The Prostate and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Western Medicine
- The Prostate in Chinese Medicine
- Pathology of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Chinese Medicine
- Treatment Strategies
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Western Medicine
- 9. Bleeding 血 证
- Bleeding
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Treatment Principles
- Coughing Blood
- Blood in the Stools
- Blood in the Urine
- Bleeding Under the Skin
- Bleeding Gums
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Modern Chinese Literature
- 10. Breathlessness 喘
- Breathlessness (Chuan)
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Pattern
- Empty Pattern
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Western Differential Diagnosis
- 11. Chest Painful Obstruction Syndrome 胸 痹
- Chest Painful Obstruction Syndrome
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Differential Diagnosis
- Treatment Strategies
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment—Full
- Identification Of Patterns And Treatment—Empty
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trials
- Western Differential Diagnosis
- 12. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳病
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Western Medicine
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Chinese Medicine
- Clinical Tip—Latent Heat
- Aetiology
- Pathology and Treatment Principles
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Pattern
- Empty Pattern
- Empty Pattern–Yin deficiencies
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Patients’ Statistics
- 13. Common Cold and Influenza 感冒
- Common Cold and Influenza
- The Concept of Wind in Chinese Medicine
- The Concept of Warm Disease (Wen Bing)
- Aetiology and Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Defensive-Qi Level
- Invasions of Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat—by Symptoms
- Qi Level
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Clinical Tip—Influenza a (H3n2)
- 14. Constipation 便秘
- Constipation
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Heat: Chronic Interior Heat
- Heat: Acute Heat in Febrile Disease
- Qi
- Deficiency
- Cold
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Western Differentiation
- 15. Cough 咳嗽
- Cough
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Acupuncture in Cough
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Acute
- Acute Exterior
- Acute Interior
- Chronic
- Chronic Full
- Chronic Empty
- Clinical Trial
- Prognosis
- Western DifferentiaL Diagnosis
- 16. Depression 郁证
- Depression
- Definition and Western Medicine’s View
- Pathology of Depression in Chinese Medicine
- Aetiology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Clinical Tip—Soothe the Shen
- Acupuncture Points for Depression
- Herbs for Depression
- Clinical Trial
- Case Histories
- Patients’ Statistics
- 17. Diarrhoea 泄泻
- Diarrhoea
- Aetiology and Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Pattern
- Empty Pattern
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Prognosis
- Western Differentiation
- 18. Dizziness 眩晕
- Dizziness
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Pattern
- Empty Pattern
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Western Differentiation
- 19. The Emotions 七情
- The Emotions
- The Emotions
- The Pathology of Qi in Emotional Problems: Derangement of Qi
- The Pathology of Qi in Emotional Problems: Effects on Internal Organs
- The Pathology of Qi in Emotional Problems: Qi Stagnation
- The Pathology of the Minister Fire in Emotional Problems
- 20. Enuresis and Incontinence 遗尿
- Enuresis, Incontinence and Blood in the Urine
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Empty Pattern
- Full Pattern
- Prognosis
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Chapter Appendix
- 21. Epigastric Pain 胃痛
- Epigastric Pain
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Pattern
- Empty Pattern
- Clinical Tip—Spleen-Yin Deficiency
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trials
- Western Differential Diagnosis
- 22. Erectile Dysfunction 阳 痿
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Erectile Dysfunction in Chinese Medicine
- Aetiology of Erectile Dysfunction in Chinese Medicine
- Pathology of Erectile Dysfunction in Chinese Medicine
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trial
- Clinical Tip—Erectile Dysfunction
- 23. Fibromyalgia 筋痛
- Fibromyalgia
- Fibromyalgia in Western Medicine
- Fibromyalgia in Chinese Medicine
- Aetiology of Fibromyalgia in Chinese Medicine
- Pathology of Fibromyalgia in Chinese Medicine
- Full Conditions
- Empty Conditions
- Treatment Principles and Strategy
- Acupuncture in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Regional Acupuncture Treatment for Fibromyalgia
- Clinical Trial
- Comparison of Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Postviral Fatigue Syndrome
- 24. Goitre (Thyroid Problems) 瘿证
- Goitre (Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism)
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Diagnosis
- General Treatment Indications
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Goitre in Western Medicine
- Hypothyroidism
- Pathology
- Clinical Manifestations
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Hyperthyroidism
- Pathology
- Clinical Manifestations
- Hyperthyroidism in Chinese Medicine: A Review of Chinese Literature
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Case Histories
- Modern Chinese Literature
- 25. 头痛 Headaches
- Headaches
- Aetiology
- Channels
- Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Treatment Strategies and Principles of Point Selection
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trial
- Patients’ Statistics
- Western Differential Diagnosis of Headaches
- Prognosis and Prevention
- 26. Hypertension 高血压病
- Hypertension
- Hypertension in Western Medicine
- Hypertension in Chinese Medicine
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Case Histories
- Patients’ Statistics
- Clinical Trial
- 27. Hypochondrial Pain 胁痛
- Hypochondrial Pain (Gall Bladder Stones)
- Aetiology and Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Patterns
- Empty Patterns
- Western Differentiation
- Chapter Appendix
- Identification of Patterns
- Treatment
- Notes on Acupuncture Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- 28. Insomnia 失眠
- Insomnia (Somnolence, Poor Memory)
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Pattern
- Empty Pattern
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trial
- Patients’ Statistics
- Chapter Appendix 1: Somnolence
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Chapter Appendix 2: Poor Memory
- Memory From A Chinese Perspective
- Aetiology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Patterns associated with Shen of the Heart
- Patterns Associated With Yi (意) of the Spleen
- Patterns Associated With ZHI (志) of the Kidneys
- Patterns Associated With the Lungs
- Patterns Associated With Phlegm and Blood Stasis
- Acupuncture Points/Channels That Stimulate Memory
- 29. Interstitial Cystitis 膀胱
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Interstitial Cystitis in Chinese Medicine
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Prognosis and Prevention
- 30. Lower Backache 腰痛
- Lower Backache and Sciatica
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Herbal Treatment
- Acupuncture Treatment of Lower Backache
- Treatment of Sciatica
- Patients’ Statistics
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Clinical Trials
- Western Differentiation
- 31. Mental-Emotional Problems—Aetiology 精神病病因
- Aetiology of Mental-Emotional Problems
- Constitution
- Diet
- Overwork
- Excessive Sexual Activity
- Drugs
- Prevention of Mental-Emotional Problems
- 32. Mental-Emotional Problems—Diagnosis 精神病诊断
- Diagnosis of Mental-Emotional Problems
- Complexion
- Eyes
- Pulse
- Tongue
- 33. Mental-Emotional Problems—Patterns and Their Treatment 精神病证治疗
- Patterns in Mental-Emotional Problems and their Treatment with Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture
- The Effect of Mental-Emotional Problems on Qi, Blood, Yin and Pathogenic Factors
- Mind Obstructed, Unsettled, Weakened
- Mind Obstructed
- Mind Obstructed–Qi stagnation
- Mind Obstructed–Blood Stasis
- Mind Obstructed–Phlegm misting the Mind
- Mind Unsettled
- Mind Unsettled–Blood deficiency
- Mind Unsettled–Yin deficiency
- Mind Unsettled–Yin deficiency with Empty Heat
- Mind Unsettled–Qi Stagnation
- Mind Unsettled–Blood Stasis
- Mind Unsettled–Fire
- Mind Unsettled–Phlegm-Fire
- Mind Weakened
- Mind Weakened–Qi and Blood deficiency
- Mind Weakened–Yang deficiency
- Mind Weakened–Blood Deficiency
- Mind Weakened–Yin deficiency
- Note
- Acupuncture Points for Mental-Emotional Problems
- Clinical Tip—Men, A Common Mental-Emotional Symptom
- 34. Mouth Ulcers 口疮
- Mouth Ulcers
- Mouth Ulcers in Western Medicine
- Mouth Ulcers in Chinese Medicine
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- 35. Multiple Sclerosis 多发性碥化症
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Acupuncture Treatment
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Prognosis
- Modern Chinese Literature
- 36. Nausea/Vomiting 呕吐
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Clinical Trials
- Western Differentiation
- 37. Oedema (Nephritis) 水肿
- Oedema (Nephritis)
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Yang Oedema
- Yin Oedema
- QI Oedema
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Prognosis
- Western Differentiation
- Chapter Appendix 1: Acute Nephritic Syndrome
- Aetiology and Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Chapter Appendix 2: Chronic Glomerulonephritis
- Oedema
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Prevention
- 38. Painful Obstruction Syndrome 痹症
- Painful Obstruction Syndrome (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
- Channels
- Points
- The Space Between Skin and Muscles (Cou Li)
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns
- Treatment Principles
- Acupuncture Treatment
- Herbal Therapy
- Treatment of Specific Parts of the Body
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trials
- Western Differentiation
- Chapter Appendix: Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Aetiology
- Pathology and Treatment Principles
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Clinical Trials
- 39. Parkinson’s Disease 帕金森病
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Acupuncture in the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trials
- 40. Prostatitis 前列腺炎
- Prostatitis and Prostatodynia
- Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia in Western Medicine
- Chronic Prostatitis in Chinese Medicine
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trials
- 41. Psyche (The) in Chinese Medicine 意志
- The Psyche in Chinese Medicine
- Nature of the Mind (Shen) in Chinese Medicine
- The Five Mental-Spiritual Aspects
- Clinical Tip—Mirror Neurons: The Arena of Shen and Hun?
- 42. Sinusitis 鼻窦炎
- Sinusitis (Nasal Polyps)
- Western Differentiation
- Sinusitis in Chinese Medicine
- Sinusitis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Clinical Trials
- Prognosis
- Nasal Polyps
- Chinese Medicine Treatment
- 43. Tinnitus 耳鸣
- Tinnitus
- Western Differentiation
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Full Pattern
- Empty Pattern
- Prognosis
- 44. Tiredness 虚劳
- Tiredness
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Empty Pattern–Qi Deficiency
- Empty Pattern–Yang Deficiency
- Empty Pattern–Blood Deficiency
- Empty Pattern–Yin Deficiency
- Full Pattern
- Patients’ Statistics
- Western Differential Diagnosis
- 45. Urinary Retention 癃闭
- Urinary Retention
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Western Differentiation
- 46. Urinary Syndrome 淋证
- Urinary Syndrome (Urinary Calculi)
- Pathology
- Overview of Patterns
- Aetiology
- Diagnosis
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Patients’ Statistics
- Western Differentiation
- Clinical Trials
- Chapter Appendix
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Treatment
- Prognosis
- 47. Wheezing 哮
- Wheezing (Xiao)
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns and Treatment
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Prognosis and Prevention
- Western Differentiation
- 48. 中风 Wind-Stroke
- Wind-Stroke
- Aetiology
- Pathology
- Identification of Patterns
- Attack of Internal Organs (Severe Type)
- Attack of the Channels Alone (Mild Type)
- Treatment–Attack of the Internal Organs
- Treatment–Attack of the Channels Alone
- Tratment–Patterns in the Sequelae Stage
- Clinical Tip—Yin Deficiency and Empty Heat
- Other Methods of Treatment
- Prognosis, Frequency of Treatment and Prevention
- Modern Chinese Literature
- Appendix 1. Identification of Patterns According to the Six Stages
- Appendix 2. Identification of Patterns According to the Four Levels
- Appendix 3. Identification of Patterns According to the Three Burners
- Appendix 4. Discussion of the Triple Burner
- Appendix 5. Shen, Yi, Shi, and Needling in the Nei Jing
- Appendix 6. Sexuality in Chinese Medicine
- Appendix 7. Prescriptions
- Appendix 8. Suggested Substitutions of Chinese Herbs
- Appendix 9. Integration of Herbal Medicine with Acupuncture
- Appendix 10. Tongue Gallery
- English–Pinyin Glossary of Terms
- Pinyin–English Glossary of Chinese Terms
- Bibliography
- Chronology of Chinese Dynasties
- Index
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