versiunea română

The Physiology of Physical Training

Price: 598,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 9780128151372
Publishing Year: 2018
Pages: 280


The Physiology of Physical Training provides complete coverage of the physiological and methodological aspects of physical training, providing essential knowledge for anyone involved in exercise physiology. Physiological processes at the cellular level (and for the whole organism) are covered to better explain particular training methods and convey a deeper knowledge and understanding of training techniques. Coverage of exercise training-induced adaptive responses and the most appropriate training methods to bring about targeted adaptive changes are also included. This is the perfect reference for researchers of physiology/kinesiology and human kinetics, practicing coaches, graduate students and sports medicine specialists.
  • Describes exercise-induced adaptation, from the cell to the whole body
  • Demonstrates practical applications of exercise for injury, disease prevention and improved physical performance
  • Fully integrates the knowledge of molecular exercise physiology and training methods

Table of Contents

1 Basic cellular functions, cellular adaptation, and metabolism
1. 1 Cell and organelles
1. 2 Cellular adaptation
1. 3 Metabolic processes
1. 4 „R” Extra
Test questions

2 Skeletal muscle, function, muscle fiber types
2. 1 Muscle contraction
2. 1. 1 Types of contractions
2. 2 Types of muscle fibers
2. 3 Tendons and connective tissue
2. 4 Skeletal muscles and aging
2. 5 „R” Extra
2. 5. 1 Fiber type assessment
2. 5. 2 Molecular markers in skeletal muscle
Test questions

3 Adaptation, phenotypic adaptation, fatigue, overtraining
3. 1 Homeostasis and adaptation
3. 2 Fatigue
3. 2. 1 Central fatigue, nervous system fatigue
3. 2. 2 Peripheral fatigue, muscle fatigue
3. 3 Muscle soreness and overtrainin
3. 3. 1 Muscle soreness
3. 3. 2 Overtraining
3. 4 Regeneration and resting
3. 5 Principals of exercise training
3. 6 Acclimatization
3. 7 „R” Extra
Test questions

4 Fundamentals of strength training
4. 1 Force generation and adaptation in the sarcomeres
4. 2 Types of muscle contraction and force generation
4. 3 Motor units and force generation
4. 4 Synchronization of motor units and force generation
4. 5 Muscle hypertrophy
4. 6 Methodology of strength training
4. 6. 1 Maximal strength training
4. 6. 2 Explosive strength
4. 6. 3 Strength endurance training
4. 6. 4 Training for cross-sectional area growth
4. 6. 5 Neuromuscular coordination training
4. 6. 6 Occlusion training
4. 6. 7 Unstable surface training (proprioception training)
4. 7 „R” Extra
Test questions

5 Fundamentals of endurance training
5. 1 Heart as a main factor in endurance performance
5. 2 Cardiovascular system as a determining factor of endurance performance
5. 2. 1 Blood as oxygen carrier and a determining factor of performance
5. 2. 2 Arterial- venous concentration difference of oxygen (A-V O2 difference): efficiency
5. 2. 3 Peripheral blood supply, vascularization as one of the main factor determining VO2max
5. 3 Mitochondrial content and enzymatic activity as one of the main factor determining VO2max
5. 4 Effect of metabolic processes on endurance
5. 5 Lactate threshold
5. 6 Endurance training methods
5. 6. 1 Aerobic endurance training methods
5. 6. 2 Anaerobic endurance training methods
5. 6. 3 High-altitude training
5. 7 R Extra
Test questions

6 Speed as complex conditional ability
6. 1 Forms of speed
6. 1. 1 Reaction time
6. 1. 2 Movement speed
6. 1. 3 Acceleration ability
6. 1. 4 Maximal locomotory speed
6. 1. 5 Braking ability
6. 1. 6 Decision speed
6. 1. 7 Learning speed
6. 2 Explosive training
6. 3 „R” Extra
Test questions

7 Fundamentals of joint flexibility
7. 1 Joint flexibility
7. 2 Stretchiness of muscles and tendons
7. 3 Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
7. 4 Additional limiting factors of joint flexibility
7. 5 „R” Extra
Test questions

8 Diet and sport
8. 1 Diet and metabolism
8. 2 Diet and aerobic endurance
8. 3 Diet and strength and speed
8. 4 Diet and weight-class sports
8. 5 Vitamins, minerals and sport performance
8. 6 „R” Extra
Test questions

9 Physical training and prevention
9. 1 VO2max and cardiovascular and heart diseases
9. 2 Does high VO2max decreases the incidence of cancer?
9. 3 VO2max and neurodegeneration
9. 4 Metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes
9. 5 „R” Extra
Test questions

10 Physical training and aging
10. 1 Introduction
10. 2 Hypothetic models of aging
10. 3 Physical training and free radical theory of aging
10. 4 Physical training and aging of the central nervous system
10. 5 Physical training and cardiovascular aging
10. 6 Physical training and age-related alterations of bones and muscles
10. 7 „R” Extra
Test questions

11 Sport genetics
11. 1 Epigenetic modifications
11. 2 Genetics and sport
11. 3 „R” Extra
Test questions


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