The Hospital Autopsy: A Manual of Fundamental Autopsy Practice

Preț: 420,00 lei
Disponibilitate: nu mai face parte din ofertă
Autor: Julian L Burton,Guy Rutty
ISBN: 9780340965146
Editura: Hodder Arnold
Anul publicarii: 2010
Ediția: 3
Pagini: 336
Categoria: PATHOLOGY
The autopsy is a central component of postgraduate training in pathology and remains an important part of medical practice today. Pathologists are now expected to possess a higher level of knowledge and understanding of the autopsy, the law surrounding it, and its clinical value, in an increasingly scrutinised and legislated environment. Autopsy practice can no longer be viewed in the absence of external contextual issues: it is vital that Pathologists have solid grounding not only in standard technique, but also in such matters as personal health and safety to obtaining informed family consent, before undertaking an autopsy procedure. This new and revised edition of The Hospital Autopsy presents a clear and systematic approach to safe and effective modern autopsy practice. Like the extremely popular second edition, it begins by discussing issues of consent and mortuary design before going on to comprehensively cover external examination, evisceration, and dissection of internal organs. In this edition, new chapters have been added on the radiological autopsy, religious attitudes to autopsy and the implications of high-risk infections for autopsy practice. Specialist techniques are covered in depth, and chapters are devoted to complex issues including perinatal autopsies, maternal deaths and neuropathological examinations. The Hospital Autopsy, Third edition is sure to be an indispensable resource for pathologists in training, as well as a useful refresher for practicing pathologists and autopsy technicians. * High quality colour photographs throughout * Employs a clear and systematic approach to hospital autopsy technique and the subsequent reconstruction of the body * Thorough coverage of legal and consent issues surrounding autopsy practice * The only book of its kind detailing autopsy techniques and providing fully referenced information * Edited by two of the UK's leading autopsy specialists Table of Contents: The History of the Autopsy The Future of the Autopsy The Role of the Autopsy in Medical Education Autopsies and the Law Religious Attitudes to the Autopsy The Safe and Healthy Autopsy The External Examination The Evisceration Routine Autopsy Dissection Examination of the Nervous System Fetal, Perinatal and Infant Autopsies The Maternal Autopsy Toxicology and Biochemical Analyses Microbiology of the Autopsy Autopsies of Patients with High-Risk Infections Investigating Possible Anaphylactic Deaths The Pathology of Wounds Perioperative and Postoperative Deaths The Radiological Autopsy The Unascertained Autopsy Reconstruction of the Body Autopsies and Clinical Audit Reports, documentation and statements
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