versiunea română

The Difficult Airway An Atlas of Tools and Techniques for Clinical Management

Price: 735,00 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 978-0-387-92848-7
Publishing Year: 2012
Pages: 246 p. 236 illus., 218 in color
Dimensions: SC


Chapters are correlated to the ASA algorithm
Numerous full color illustrations provide step-by-step instruction
Written by experts in the field

The Difficult Airway provides comprehensive textual and visual coverage of how to deal with patients who have expected or unexpected difficult airways.

The book begins with a review of current definitions of the difficult airway, its incidence, and the evolution of algorithms to facilitate its management. The chapters that follow offer a comprehensive update on the techniques and concepts described in the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Difficult Airway Algorithm. Noted experts in each of the techniques have been recruited by the book editors to present the information. Figures throughout the book illustrate important points and procedures.

This is a wonderful resource for health care professionals who are concerned with the management of the difficult airway, including anesthesiologists, intensive care physicians, emergency room physicians, nurses, and out-of-hospital first responders.


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