versiunea română

The A–Z Guide to Food as Medicine

Price: 294,00 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 9781498735230
Publishing Year: 2016
Pages: 347



  • Provides science-based information on the beneficial bioactive properties of more than 250 foods, food groups, nutrients, and phytochemicals
  • Organized alphabetically by dietary compound to include: definition and use, scientific findings about physiological and health effects, dose (when known) and safe consumption information
  • Presents and summarizes research findings from more than 1, 000 scientific articles and uses the conclusions and recommendations of reputable, peer-reviewed sources
  • By highlighting healthy aspects of foods and by listing levels of intake appropriate for health, the guide promotes the main messages of The US Dietary Guidelines for Americans, ChooseMyPlate. gov, and similar consumer advice to improve nutritional health


Can an apple a day keep the doctor away? The A-Z Guide to Food As Medicineaddresses food folklore by exploring the scientific findings about physiological effects of over 250 foods, food groups, nutrients, and phytochemicals.

Today, health care providers are fielding more questions from patients on how to help improve their nutritional health, which in turn can help to prevent disease. The guide is a dictionary-style reference intended for use by health care professionals to quickly and easily access information about the bioactive components in the foods and how diet can be manipulated for health benefits.


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