Textbook of Female Urology and Urogynecology Surgical Perspectives

Featuring contributions by an international team of the world’s experts in urology and gynecology, this fifth edition reinforces its status as the classic comprehensive resource on female urology and urogynecology and an essential clinical reference in the field. There are new chapters throughout and new commentaries on important documents in the appendixes; each volume is now available separately. *Offers a comprehensive guide to surgical aspects *Covers important and common topics such as pelvic organ prolapse and robotic surgery and newer topics such as transgender surgery *Presents a practical and manageable level of detail
Section Editors
Current Contributors
Section Editor: Roger Dmochowski
68. How and Why Incontinence Surgery Works
Joshua Kent Calvert, Elizabeth Rourke, Mauricio Plata, Nicolas Fernandez, David James Osborn, and Roger Dmochowski
69. Peri- and Postoperative Care
George Araklitis, Sushma Srikrishna, and Linda Cardozo
70. Traditional Surgery and Other Historical Procedures for Stress Incontinence
Elisabeth Sebesta, Malcolm Lucas, Elizabeth Timbrook Brown, and Roger Dmochowski
71. Retropubic Urethropexy
Dudley Robinson and Linda Cardozo
72. Fascial Slings
Elizabeth A. Rourke, W. Stuart Reynolds, Aaron Brothers, David James Osborn, Roger R. Dmochowski,
and Melissa R. Kaufman
73. Retropubic Mid-Urethral Sling Procedure for the Treatment of Female Urinary Stress Incontinence
Steven E. Schraffordt Koops and Femke van Zanten
74. Transobturator Tape for Surgical Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence: Outside-In Technique
Emmanuel Delorme
75. Single-Incision Mini-Slings
Mickey Karram and Ahmed Abdelaziz
76. Readjustable Slings: SAFYRE and REMEEX
Paulo Palma, Cassio Riccetto, and Carlos Errando Smet
77. Artificial Urinary Sphincter for Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women
Elizabeth A. Rourke, David Castro-Diaz, David Staskin, and Roger R. Dmochoski
78. Diagnosis and Treatment of Obstruction Following Incontinence Surgery: Urethrolysis and Other Techniques
Elisabeth M. Sebesta, Melissa R. Kaufman, W. Stuart Reynolds, Stephen Mock, and Roger R. Dmochowski
79. Complications of Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery
Véronique Phé and Emmanuel Chartier-Kastler
80. Mesh Complications and Their Management
Antonin Prouza and Hashim Hashim
Section Editor: Peter Sand
81. Classification and Epidemiology of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Steven E. Swift and Joel D. Winer
82. Anterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse
Whitney K. Hendrickson and Matthew D. Barber
83. Enterocele
Kaven Baessler
84. Rectocele: Anatomic and Functional Repair
Olivia H. Chang, James H. Ross, and Marie Fidela R. Paraiso
85. Vaginal Approach to Apical Suspension
Debjyoti Karmakar and Peter L. Dwyer
86. Open Abdominal Approach to Supporting the Vaginal Apex
Russell Stanley, T. Clark Powell, and Holly E. Richter
87. Uterine Preservation and Hysteropexy
Roger P. Goldberg and Nani P. Moss
88. Surgery for Urogenital Prolapse: Colpocleisis
Emilly Santos and G. Willy Davila
89. Biological and Synthetic Grafts in Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
Katrina M. Knight, Brittany R. Egnot, William R. Barone, and Pamela A. Moalli
90. Complications of Synthetic Mesh Used to Repair Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence
Rubin Raju, Ahmed Abdelaziz, Mickey Karram, and John B. Gebhart
91. Management of the Perineum, Episiotomy, and Perineal Reconstruction
J. Oliver Daly
92. Primary Repair of Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries
Ruwan Fernando and Abdul H. Sultan
93. Surgery for Fecal Incontinence
Emanuela Silva-Alvarenga, Yasmin Zerhouni, and Steven D. Wexner
94. Rectal Prolapse and Other Causes of Defecatory Dysfunction
Megan R. Routzong, Steven Abramowitch, and Ghazaleh Rostaminia
Section Editor: Christian Phillips
95. The Role of Laparoscopic Surgery in Urogynecology: An Introduction
Christian Phillips
96. Abdominal and Pelvic Anatomy Through the Laparoscope
Fiona Reid
97. Training and Accreditation in Laparoscopic and Robotic Pelvic Floor Surgery
Shannon L. Wallace, Karl Jallad, Alfred Cutner, and Marie Fidela R. Paraiso
98. Laparoscopic Colposuspension
Matthew Izett-Kay and Arvind Vashisht
99. Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy
Mugdha Kulkarni, Anna Rosamilia, and Marcus Carey
100. Laparoscopic Sacrohysteropexy
Matthew Izett-Kay and Natalia Price
101. Prevention, Recognition and Treatment of Complications in Laparoscopic Pelvic Floor Surgery
Ellen Yeung and Christopher Maher
102. The Role of Robotic Surgery
D. Galvin, O.E. O’Sullivan, and B.A. O’Reilly
103. Cost-Effectiveness in Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery in Urogynecology
Karen Ward
104. New Techniques in Laparoscopic Pelvic Floor Surgery
Stephen T. Jeffery and Khumbo T. Jere
Section Editor: Victor Nitti
105. Diagnosis of Urogenital Fistula
Caroline A. Brandon, Ekene A. Enemchukwu, and Benjamin M. Brucker
106. Transvaginal Repair of VVF
Lori Jones and Nirit Rosenblum
107. Transabdominal Vesicovaginal and Vesicouterine Fistula Repair
Christopher F. Tenggardjaja and Howard B. Goldman
108. Management of Obstetric Urogenital Fistula
Andrew Browning
109. Management of Iatrogenic Ureteral Injury and Ureterovaginal Fistula
Elizabeth R. Mueller
110. Management of Urethrovaginal Fistula
Pansy Uberoi and Kathleen C. Kobashi
111. Urethral Diverticulum
Yu Zheng and Eric S. Rovner
112. Diagnosis and Management of Female Urethral Stricture Disease
Dmitry Volkin and Victor W. Nitti
113. Bladder Reconstruction and Urinary Diversion
Daniela Kaefer and Ja-Hong Kim
114. Gynaecological Developmental Abnormalities
Cara E. Williams
115. Pediatric Urogynecology
Jennifer S. Singer, Angela M. Arlen, Tamara Grisales, and Andrew J. Kirsch
116. Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery
Ö. Ferit Saraçoğlu
117. Gender-Affirming Surgery, Care, and Common Complications
Christi Butler, Daniel Dugi, and Geolani W. Dy
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