versiunea română

Textbook of Female Urology and Urogynecology, Fourth Edition - Two-Volume Set

Price: 1890,00 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 9781498796316
Publishing Year: 2016
Edition: 4
Pages: 1498
Dimensions: Book+ eBook


  • Offers comprehensive coverage on all topics in urogynecology
  • Includes full color illustrations throughout
  • Contains illustrative video clips
  • Provides updated information on latest topics
  • Serves as an unrivalled resource

Featuring contributions by an international team of the world’s experts in urology and gynecology and updated with new chapters on the latest topics, this fourth edition reinforces its status as the classic comprehensive resource on female urology and urogynecology and an essential clinical reference in the field. Beginning with the subject's history and epidemiology across the world, this expansive textbook covers the basic structure and function of the lower urinary tract in the female and provides comprehensive coverage of urogynecology.


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