versiunea română

Social Media in Clinical Practice

Price: 199,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 978-1-4471-4305-5
Publishing Year: 2013
Pages: 155, 57 illus.
Dimensions: softvover


Every relevant social media topic is reviewed in relation to the practice of medicine
The format brings freshness and practical pieces of advice to the readers
Uses real stories and examples​ to highlight key concepts in the use of social media

Social media has been clearly changing the way medicine is practiced and healthcare is delivered. Medical professionals must be able to meet the special needs of technology-aware patients and use digital technologies in their work and communications properly. Each physician should find the tools that will assist them in their workflow, and patients need to be educated how to use the internet. It is the responsibility of medical professionals to contribute to this process.

The constantly evolving digital world must be used in the practice of medicine to improve the care of patients. However, the only way to do so effectively is via evidence-based, meaningful and strategic use. Social Media in Clinical Practice provides practical guidance in this mission and is thus essential reading for all medical personal looking into approaching this for the first time.

Social media is transforming medicine and healthcare.- Using medical search engines with a special focus on Google.- Being up-to-date in medicine.- Community sites Facebook, Google+ and medical social networks.- The World of E-Patients.- Establishing a medical blog.- The role of Twitter and microblogging in medicine.- Collaboration online.- Wikipedia and Medical Wikis.- Organizing medical events in virtual environments.- Medical smartphone and tablet applications.- Use of social media by hospitals and medical practices.- Medical video and podcasting.- Creating presentations and slideshows.- E-mails and privacy concerns.- Social Bookmarking.- Conclusions.​


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