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Smith's Textbook of Endourology, 2 Volume Set

Preț: 2310,00 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
ISBN: 978-1-119-24135-5
Anul publicarii: 2019
Ediția: 4
Pagini: 2112
Categoria: UROLOGY


The most comprehensive textbook in the field edited by the founding father of endourology returns for a new edition. In full colour throughout and packed with surgical teaching videos, this is an essential purchase for all urologists wishing to master their skills.


List of Contributors



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Volume 1

Section 1 Basic Principles

1 Care and Sterilization of Instruments
Carol Olsen

2 Radiation Safety During Diagnosis and Treatment
Yasser A. Noureldin & Sero Andonian

3 Enhanced Endoscopic Imaging
Ghalib A. Jibara & Michael E. Lipkin

4 Preoperative Antibiotics and Prevention of Sepsis in Urologic Endoscopic Surgery
Manish N. Patel & Jorge Gutierrez-Aceves

5 Management of the Anticoagulated Patient
Zeph Okeke

Section 2 Percutaneous Renal Surgery

Part 1 Perioperative Considerations

6 Surgical Anatomy of the Kidney for Endourological Procedures
Francisco J. B. Sampaio

7 Nephrolithometric Scoring Systems for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Roshan Patel, Daniel J. Lama, & Zhamshid Okhunov

8 Pathophysiology of Urinary Tract Obstruction
Frederick A. Gulmi & Diane Felsen

9 Organizing the Endourological Operating Room
Ravindra B. Sabnis, Abhishek Singh, & Shashikant Mishra

10 Endoscopic Training/Simulation
Zichen Zhao & Robert M. Sweet

Part 2 Patient Positioning for Percutaneous Access

11 Patient Positioning, the Supine Position, and the Rationale of ECIRS
Cesare M. Scoffone & Cecilia M. Cracco

12 Prone, Lateral, and Flexed: Patient Positioning for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Robert J. Sowerby, A. Andrew Ray, & R. John D’A. Honey

Part 3 Imaging for Access

13 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Access Under Fluoroscopic Control
Norberto O. Bernardo & Maximiliano Lopez Silva

14 Dyna-CT-Guided versus Standard CT-Guided Renal Access
Manuel Ritter & Maurice-Stephan Michel

15 Endoscopically Guided Percutaneous Renal Access
Zhamshid Okhunov, Kamaljot S. Kaler, Simone Vernez, Rahul Dutta, Jaime Landman, & Ralph V. Clayman

16 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Access Under Ultrasound
Mahesh R. Desai & Arvind P. Ganpule

17 New Concepts of Renal Access: iPad, GPS, and Others
Estevao Lima, Pedro L. Rodrigues, Marie-Claire Rassweiler-Seyfried, & Joao L. Vilaca

Part 4 Selection of Access and Dilation

18 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Upper Pole Access
Davis P. Viprakasit & Nicole L. Miller

19 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Access Without Image Guidance
Arthur D. Smith

20 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Access: Robotic
Michelle Jo Semins, Dan Stoianovici, & Brian R. Matlaga

21 Dilation of the Nephrostomy Tract
Peter Alken

Part 5 Stone Removal

22 Rigid and Flexible Nephroscopy
Timothy Y. Tran & Mantu Gupta

23 Percutaneous Antegrade Ureteroscopy
Burak Turna, Umit Eskidemir, & Oktay Nazli

24 Small-caliber Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Mini, UMP, and Micro-Perc
Janak D. Desai & Arkadiusz Miernik

25 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Special Problems with Staghorns
Monica A. Farcas & Kenneth T. Pace

26 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Stone Extraction and Lithotripsy
Samir Derisavifard & Arthur D. Smith

27 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Children
Adam S. Howe, Jordan S. Gitlin, & R. John D’A. Honey

Part 6 Other Uses of Nephrostomy Access

28 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy of Calyceal Diverticula, Infundibular Stenosis, and Simple Cysts
Nadya E. York & James E. Lingeman

29 Percutaneous Instillation of Chemolytic, Chemotherapeutic, and Antifungal Agents
Mohamed A. Elkoushy, Philippe D. Violette, & Sero Andonian

30 Percutaneous Treatment of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
Michael W. Sourial, Bodo E. Knudsen, & Paul J. Van Cangh

31 Percutaneous Management of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
Shu Pan & Piruz Motamedinia

Part 7 Exit Strategy and Complications

32 The Access-related Complications of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Vinaya Vasudevan, Zeph Okeke, & Arthur D. Smith

33 Hemorrhagic Complications Associated with Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Sriram V. Eleswarapu & David A. Leavitt

34 Diagnosis and Management of Thoracic Complications of Percutaneous Renal Surgery
John R. Bell & Stephen Y. Nakada

35 Bowel and Other Organ Injuries with Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
John J. Knoedler, Matthew T. Gettman, & Chad J. Fleming

36 Exit Strategies After Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Damien M. Bolton & Derek B. Hennessey

37 Problems with Residual Stones
Noah E. Canvasser & Margaret S. Pearle

Section 3 Ureteroscopy

Part 1 General Principles

38 Ureteral Anatomy
Gary Faerber, Amir H. Lebastchi, & Rita P. Jen

39 Rigid Ureteroscopes
Omar M. Aboumarzouk & Francis X. Keeley, Jr.

40 Flexible Ureteroscopes
Vincent G. Bird & John M. Shields

41 Rigid Ureteroscope with Flexible Tip and Special Instrumentation
Yinghao Sun & Xiaofeng Gao

42 Digital Ureteroscopes
Murat Binbay & Burak Ucpinar

43 Ureteroscopy Working Instruments
Renato N. Pedro & Manoj Monga

44 Access to the Ureter: Rigid Ureteroscopy
Jose De La Cerda, III & Timothy Y. Tseng

45 Access to the Ureter: Flexible Ureteroscopy
Ojas Shah & Mark V. Silva

46 Ureteroscopy Energy Sources
Daniel A. Wollin & Glenn M. Preminger

47 Ureteroscopic Management of Ureteral Calculi
Charles U. Nottingham, Melanie A. Adamsky, Richard J. Fantus, & Glenn S. Gerber

48 Ureteroscopic Management of Renal Calculi
Steeve Doizi & Olivier Traxer

49 Diagnostic Ureteroscopy
Hendrik Heers & Benjamin W. Turney

50 Ureteroscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Upper Urinary Tract Neoplasms
Scott G. Hubosky & Demetrius H. Bagley

Part 2 Ureteroscopic Management of Ureteral Obstruction

51 Retrograde Endopyelotomy
Weil R. Lai & Raju Thomas

52 Endoscopic Management of Mid-ureteral Obstruction
Samuel Abourbih & D. Duane Baldwin

53 Endoscopic Management of Distal Ureteral Strictures
Michael Zhang, Ali Fathollahi, Joel Hillesohn, & Majid Eshghi

54 Endoscopic Management of Ureteroenteric Strictures
Thomas Masterson & Robert Marcovich

55 Ureterorenoscopy: Ureteral Stents and Postoperative Care
Ben H. Chew, Anthony Emmott, Dirk Lange, & Ryan F. Paterson

56 Ureteroscopy Complications
Joel E. Abbott & Roger L. Sur

57 Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in the Future: Robotics
Anup Patel

Section 4 Shock-Wave Lithotripsy

58 Physics of Shock-wave Lithotripsy
Andreas Neisius & Pei Zhong

59 Lithotripsy Systems
Geert G. Tailly

60 Shock-wave Lithotripsy of Renal Calculi
Brian H. Eisner & Naren Nimmagadda

61 Shock-wave Lithotripsy of Ureteral Calculi
Thomas Tailly & Hassan Razvi

62 Complications of Shock-wave Lithotripsy
Christian Turk & Aleš Petřik

Section 5 Stone Management in Urology

Part 1 General Principles

63 Natural History of Stones
Johann P. Ingimarsson & Amy E. Krambeck

64 Initial Choice of Therapy in the Stone Patient
Peter L. Steinberg & David M. Hoenig

65 Management of Urolithiasis in Pregnancy
Husain Alenezi & John D. Denstedt

66 Management of Renal Colic and Triage in the Emergency Department
Marius C. Conradie

Part 2 Management of Stones in Abnormal Situations

67 Management of Stones in Horseshoe Kidneys
Chandra Shekhar Biyani & Adrian D. Joyce

68 Pelvic Kidneys
Win Shun Lai, Vidhush K. Yarlagadda, & Dean G. Assimos

69 Management of Stone Disease in Renal Transplant Kidneys
Brian Duty & Michael Lam

70 Stones in Urinary Diversions
Bodo E. Knudsen & Michael W. Sourial

71 Management of Stones in Obesity
Omer L. Tuncay & Cenk Acar

Part 3 Cost-effectiveness and Long-term Stenting

72 Cost-effective Strategies for Stone Management
Justin I. Friedlander & Eric M. Ghiraldi

73 Long-term Stenting of the Ureter
Panagiotis Kallidonis, Wissam Kamal, Dimitrios Kotsiris, Dimitrios Karnabatidis, & Evangelos Liatsikos

Volume 2

Section 6 Laparoscopy and Robotic Surgery

Part 1 General Principles

74 New Surgical Robotics
Alabdulaali Ibrahim & Koon Ho Rha

75 Training and Credentialing Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery
Domenico Veneziano & David M. Hananel

76 Patient Preparation and Operating Room Setup for Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery
Weil R. Lai & Benjamin R. Lee

77 Patient Preparation and Operating Room Setup for Robotic Surgery
Dima Raskolnikov, Mahir Maruf, & Arvin K. George

78 Physiologic Considerations in Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery
Adam G. Kaplan & Michael N. Ferrandino

79 Anesthetic Management During Laparoscopic/Robotic Surgery
Judith Aronsohn, Oonagh Dowling, & Greg Palleschi

Part 2 Instrumentation, Access, and Exit

80 Laparoscopic Surgery: Basic Instrumentation
Ornob Roy

81 Robotic Surgery: Basic Instrumentation and Troubleshooting
Wooju Jeong, Mouafak Tourojman, & Craig G. Rogers

82 Minimally Invasive Reconstructive Techniques: Suture, Staple, and Clip Technology
Ali Abdel Raheem & Koon Ho Rha

83 Transperitoneal Access and Trocar Placement
Angelo Territo & Alberto Breda

84 Retroperitoneal Access and Trocar Placement
Lambros Stamatakis & Soroush Rais-Bahrami

85 Basic Hand-assisted Laparoscopic Techniques
Sapan N. Ambani & J. Stuart Wolf, Jr.

86 Laparoscopic Exit: Specimen Removal, Closure, and Drainage
Fernando J. Kim, Riccardo Autorino, & Rodrigo Donalisio da Silva

Part 3 Complications

87 Complications in Urologic Laparoscopy
David Canes, Camilo Giedelman, & Rene J. Sotelo

88 Complications of Laparoscopy Including Robotics
Friedrich-Carl von Rundstedt, Marcelo Chen, & Richard E. Link

Part 4 Laparoscopy/Robotics for Malignant Disease

89 Pelvic Lymphadenectomy
Marc D. Manganiello & Andrew A. Wagner

90 Endoscopic Subcutaneous Modified Inguinal Lymph Node Dissection for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Penis
Jay T. Bishoff & Kefu Du

91 Laparoscopic and Robotic Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
James R. Porter

92 Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy
Simpa S. Salami

93 Robotic Partial Nephrectomy: Advancements and Innovations
Sameer Chopra, Mehar Bains, & Inderbir S. Gill

94 Intraoperative Assessment of Tumor Resection Margins
Ilan Z. Kafka & Timothy D. Averch

95 Laparoscopic Radical Nephroureterectomy
Wayland J. Wu & Jessica E. Kreshover

96 Laparoscopic and Robotic Radical Cystectomy in Males and Females
Douglas S. Scherr, David M. Golombos, & Abimbola Ayangbesan

97 Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Partial Cystectomy
Manish A. Vira & Paras H. Shah

98 Laparoscopic Cystoprostatectomy with Intracorporeal Ileal Conduit
Alvin C. Goh, Brian J. Miles, & Arun Rai

99 Laparoscopic/Robotic Continent Diversion
Christopher R. Reynolds & Ashok K. Hemal

100 Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
Jens Rassweiler, Giovannalberto Pini, Marcel Fiedler, Ali Serdar Goezen, & Dogu Teber

101 Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
Zeyad Schwen & Misop Han

102 Optimizing Outcomes During Laparoscopic and Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy
Matthew Goland-Van Ryn, Daniel Rosen, Thomas Bessede, & Ashutosh Tewari

Part 5 Laparoscopy/Robotics for Benign Disease

103 Laparoscopic and Robotic Reconstructive Ureteral Surgery: Basic Principles
Aaron C. Weinberg, Yuka Yamaguchi, Lee C. Zhao, & Michael D. Stifelman

104 Laparoscopic Applications to Renal Calculus Disease
Christopher S. Han & Sammy E. Elsamra

105 Laparoscopic Treatment of Renal Cysts and Diverticula
Salvatore Micali, Eugenio Martorana, Giacomo Maria Pirola, & Giampaolo Bianchi

106 Laparoscopic and Robotic Techniques for Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Sandeep Gurram & Farzeen Firoozi

107 Laparoscopic and Robotic Techniques for Repair of Female Genitourinary Fistulas
Chad Baxter & Vishnukamal Golla

108 Laparoscopic, Laparoendoscopic Single-site, and Robot-assisted Living Donor Nephrectomy
Ganesh Sivarajan & Ravi Munver

109 Robotic Kidney Transplantation
Rajesh Ahlawat, Sohrab Arora, & Mani Menon

110 Minimally Invasive Surgery for Benign Prostate Disease: Laparoscopic and Robotic Techniques
Mark Ferretti, Amul Bhalodi, & John Phillips

111 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
Tadashi Matsuda, Hidefumi Kinoshita, Yoshihide Kawasaki, & Akira Miyajima

112 Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery of the Seminal Vesicles
Eric H. Kim, R. Sherburne Figenshau, & Gerald L. Andriole

113 Modern Techniques in Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair: a Guide for the Practicing Endourologist
Douglas K. Held

114 Robot-assisted Vasectomy Reversal
Parviz K. Kavoussi

Part 6 Laparoscopy/Robotics in Children

115 Laparoscopic Considerations in Children
Rajeev Chaudhry, Michelle Yu, & Michael C. Ost

116 Laparoscopic and Robotic Pyeloplasty in Children
Kai-wen Chuang

117 Lower Ureteral Reconstruction: Robotic Surgery
S. Duke Herrell

118 Laparoscopic Management of the Undescended Testicle
Brian A. VanderBrink

119 Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy
Bradley A. Morganstern & Lane S. Palmer

Part 7 Laparoscopy and Robotics: LESS and NOTES

120 Laparoendoscopic Single-site Surgery: Ports, Access, and Instrumentation
Noah E. Canvasser & Jeffrey A. Cadeddu

121 Laparoendoscopic Single-site Upper Tract Surgery
Christian Tabib, Geoffrey Gaunay, & Lee Richstone

122 Robotic Laparoendoscopic Single-site Lower Tract Surgery
Daniel Ramirez, Matthew J. Maurice, & Jihad H. Kaouk

Section 7 Image-Guided Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Part 1 Upper Tract

123 Diagnosis of Renal Masses: Radiological
Gail S. Smith, Carolyn K. Donaldson, & Richard M. Gore

124 Renal Mass Biopsy
M. Pilar Laguna & Jean de la Rosette

125 Radiofrequency Ablation of Renal Tumors
Ryan L. Steinberg & Chad R. Tracy

126 Percutaneous Cryoablation of Renal Masses
David N. Siegel & Alok A. Anand

Part 2 Angio-embolization in Urology

127 Gonadal Vein Embolization
Pratik A. Shukla, Gajan Sivananthan, & Ardeshir R. Rastinehad

128 Renal Angiography and Embolization
Igor Lobko & Anthony D. Mohabir

129 Selective Arterial Prostate Embolization
Robert C. Blue, Aaron M. Fischman, & Ardeshir R. Rastinehad

Part 3 Focal Therapy Lower Tract

130 The Role and Methodology of Multiparametric MRI and Fusion-guided Biopsy in the Management of Prostate Cancer Patients
Raju R. Chelluri, Arvin K. George, Joseph A. Baiocco, Baris Turkbey, & Peter A. Pinto

131 Focal Therapy of Prostate Cancer
Kae Jack Tay & Thomas J. Polascik

132 Focal Laser Ablation for Carcinoma of Prostate
Tonye A. Jones, Shyam Natarajan, & Leonard S. Marks

133 Image-guided Prostate Brachytherapy
Michael R. Folkert, Neil B. Desai, & Yoshiya Yamada

134 Image-guided External Beam Radiotherapy
Brett Cox, Lucille Lee, & Louis Potters

135 High-intensity Focused Ultrasound of the Prostate
Edward J. Bass, Mark Emberton, & Hashim U. Ahmed

136 Cryotherapy of the Prostate
Daniel B. Rukstalis

137 Cryosurgical Ablation of the Prostate
Rajan Ramanathan, Yaw A. Nyame, & J. Stephen Jones

138 Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound in Urology
Rogier R. Wildeboer, Jean de la Rosette, Massimo Mischi, & Hessel Wijkstra

139 Principles of Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sonia Gaur, Baris Turkbey, & Peter L. Choyke

140 Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Assessment
Henry Tran, Matthew P. Rutman, Doreen E. Chung, & Jerry G. Blaivas

141 Office-based Cystoscopy: Continued Advances
Judson D. Davies & Sam S. Chang

142 Equipment Setup and Patient Handouts
John R. Schwabe, Amanda P. Hughes, Crystal R. Combs, & Gopal H. Badlani

143 Local Anesthesia for Minimally Invasive Treatment of the Prostate in the Office Setting
Arun Rai & Ricardo R. Gonzalez

144 Laser in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment: Basic Principles
Christopher Netsch, Bilal Chughtai, Alexis E. Te, Ahmed M. Elshal, Mostafa M. Elhilali, & Andreas J. Gross

145 Holmium Laser Therapy of the Prostate
Ahmed M. Elshal & Mostafa M. Elhilali

146 532 nm High-power Transurethral Laser Prostatectomy
Bilal Chughtai, Dominique Thomas, & Alexis E. Te

147 Thulium Lasers
Andreas J. Gross & Christopher Netsch

148 The Prostatic Urethral Lift Procedure Using UroLift Implants: Novel, Minimally Invasive Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Daniel B. Rukstalis

149 Goals and Expectations of Ablation Techniques and Emerging Therapies for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: An Editorial
Catriona I. MacRae & Peter J. Gilling

150 Monopolar Transurethral Resection of Prostate
Madhu S. Agrawal & Dilip K. Mishra

151 Ablation of Prostate: Bipolar Resection
Jaspreet S. Sandhu

152 Bipolar Vaporization of the Prostate
Ahmet Karakeci, Kyle Richards, & Gopal H. Badlani

153 Single Port for Prostate Surgery
Rene J. Sotelo, Oscar D. Martin Garzon, Camilo Giedelman, Fatima Z. Husain, & Mihir Desai

154 Bladder Injections for Refractory Overactive Bladder: Intra- and Transvesical Procedures
Adam Althaus & Anurag K. Das

155 STING Procedure for Reflux
Steve J. Hodges

156 Minimally Invasive Therapy for Bladder Pain Syndrome (Interstitial Cystitis)
Ricardo Palmerola, Sandeep Gurram, & Robert Moldwin

157 New Techniques for Resecting Bladder Tumors
Alexey G. Martov, Dmitry V. Ergakov, Nikolay A. Baykov, & Zhamshid Okhunov

158 Incision: Endoscopic Management of Urethral Stenoses
Gerald H. Jordan & Kurt A. McCammon

159 Endoscopic Management of Bladder Neck Contracture Following Radical Prostatectomy
Susan MacDonald, R. Caleb Kovell, Joseph Tortora, & Ryan P. Terlecki

160 Single-incision Slings
Michael J. Kennelly & Dina A. Bastawros

161 Bioinjectables for Stress Urinary Incontinence
Ryan Dobbs, Simone Crivellaro, & John J. Smith III

162 Midurethral Slings for the Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence
Alice Drain & Victor W. Nitti

163 Maxi/Pubovaginal Sling
Gopal H. Badlani & Joao P. Zambon

164 Mesh Complications Associated with Vaginal Prolapse Surgery
Jeffrey S. Schachar & G. Willy Davila

165 Male Slings for Treatment of Post-prostatectomy Incontinence
Ajay K. Singla & Nirmish Singla

166 Neuromodulation
Dayron Rodriguez & Anurag K. Das




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