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Small Animal Internal Medicine

Price: 955,50 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9780323676946
Publishing Year: 2020
Edition: 6


With hundreds of images, step-by-step procedures, and a practical clinical emphasis, Small Animal Internal Medicine, 6th Edition offers the foundation and tools you need to properly recognize, diagnose, and treat small animals with common internal conditions. Each section of the text takes a problem-oriented approach that begins with a discussion of clinical signs, diagnostic recommendations, and techniques; and then moves to therapeutic considerations and management. This edition also includes two all-new chapters (neonatology and the effects of specific heart diseases respectively) as well as extensive updates throughout covering new advancements, techniques, and evolving best practices in the field of small animal internal medicine. And with access to the new online Expert Consult, you will have the 360-degree support you need to solve virtually any internal medical challenge.

Key Features
  • Problem-oriented approach utilized in each section begins with a discussion of clinical signs, diagnostic recommendations, and techniques; and then moves to therapeutic considerations and management.
  • Step-by-step procedures provide an easy-to-follow description of proper technique.
  • Current drug and treatment tables ensure you are referencing the most up-to-date recommended dosages and indications.
  • More than 900 full-color photographs and illustrations provide vivid depictions of specific disorders, diseases, and procedures.
  • Color-coded summary tables and boxes make it quick and easy to look up clinical signs, etiology, differential diagnoses, treatment, and recommended drug dosages and indications.
  • Expert authors and contributors are well-known for their clinical, academic, and research expertise.
  • Practical algorithms promote decision-making skills based on clinical findings.
  • Extensive cross-referencing makes it easy to locate related information.
  • Suggested readings at the end of each chapter direct you on where to go for the latest research findings.

New to this Edition
  • NEW! Expert Consult site includes over 30 video clips covering physical examinations as well as diagnostic and therapeutic techniques like the neurologic exam.
  • NEW! Two new chapters detail two key emerging areas within small animal medicine: neonatology and the effects of specific heart diseases.
  • NEW! Extensive updates throughout the text keep you informed of changes and evolutions in the field, specifically in the areas of: ultrasound; probiotics; obesity; feline radiation therapy; feline diabetes; feline hyperthyroidism; canine influenza; canine Cushing's disease; orphan puppy and kitten considerations; seizure treatments; spinal cord disorders; hematology and oncology; plus new diseases, diagnostics, and therapeutics that affect small animal medicine overall.


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