versiunea română

Robbins Basic Pathology

Price: 367,50 lei
Availability: in stock - lichidare
ISBN: 9780323353175
Publishing Year: 2018
Edition: 10
Pages: 952


Part of the trusted Robbins and Cotran familyRobbins Basic Pathology provides a readable, well-illustrated and concise overview of the principles of human pathology that's ideal for today's busy students. This thoroughly revised edition continues with a strong emphasis on pathogenesis and the clinical features of disease, adding new artwork and more schematic diagrams to further aid in summarizing key pathologic processes and expand the already impressive illustration program.

Key Features
  • Excellent art program boasts high-quality photomicrographs, gross photos, and radiologic images to supplement the world-class illustrations.
  • Bulleted summary boxes provide quick access to key information and easy review of key concepts.
  • Highlights pathogenesismorphology, and pathophysiologic content throughout.
New to this Edition
  • Includes increased and updated clinical topics.
  • New artwork and more schematic diagrams summarize key pathologic processes.
  • An all-star editorial team enables you to gain a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts.
  • Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and images from the book on a variety of devices. You'll also access virtual microscope slidesself-assessment questionsadditional images, updated pathology case studies, and Targeted Therapy boxes.


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