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Rehab Notes: Evaluation and Intervention Pocket Guide

Price: 115,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 978-0-8036-1398-0
Publishing Year: 2007
Pages: 246


A Davis's Notes book. Rehab Notes provides quick-reference information to students and clinicians for normative values, medications, evaluation information, treatment guidelines, and appropriate outcomes. Part of F.A. Davis’s popular Notes Series, this innovative, easy-to-access pocket guide of essential assessment and treatment information is the ideal tool that students need to improve their clinical knowledge and productivity.


* Features 8 tabbed sections, organized by body system, with sections on normal laboratory values and common traditional and alternative medications.
* Covers equipment techniques and treatments.
* Includes normative values, medications, evaluation information, treatment guidelines, appropriate outcomes, and CPT codes for proper reimbursement.
* Uses waterproof and reusable pages that can be can wiped clean and written on again.


Assessment & Evaluation / Cardiopulmonary / Musculoskeletal / Neuromuscular / Integumentary / Lab Tests / Medications / References & Index


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