Reconstructive and Reproductive Surgery in Gynecology, Second Edition: Volume 1: Fundamentals and Conditions

Table of Contents
1. Anatomy and surgical dissection of the female pelvis: For the gynecologic surgeon
Andrew I. Brill, Robert M. Rogers, Jr., and Victor Gomel
2. Reproductive physiology for the gynecological surgeon
Victor Gomel, Malcolm G. Munro, and Peter F. McComb
3. Energy-based surgical devices
Andrew I. Brill and Malcolm G. Munro
4. Principles of laparoscopic surgery
Sukhbir S. Singh, Olga Bougie, and Malcolm G. Munro
5. Principles of microprocessor-assisted laparoscopic ("robotic") surgery
Erica Dun, Vadim Morozov, and Ceana Nezhat
6. Principles of laparotomic and vaginal surgery
Victor Gomel and Malcolm G. Munro
7. Principles of hysteroscopic surgery
Barry H. Sanders and Malcolm G. Munro
8. Imaging for the gynecologic surgeon
Caterina Exacoustos and Margit Dueholm
9. Preservation of fertility in gynecologic surgery: Strategies and techniques
Victor Gomel, Mohamed A. Bedaiwy, and Recai Pabuççu
10. Complications of surgery of the female reproductive tract
Nyia Noel, Christina Alicia Salazar, Keith Isaacson, and Malcolm G. Munro
11. Congenital anomalies of the female reproductive tract
Joseph S. Sanfilippo and Kathryn D. Peticca
12. Ectopic pregnancy
Victor Gomel and Malcolm G. Munro
13. Endometrial polyps
Marit Lieng and Jason A. Abbott
14. Adenomyosis: Uterus-sparing treatment
Grigoris F. Grimbizis and Themistoklis Mikos
15. Endometriosis: General principles
Sukhbir S. Singh, Catherine Allaire, and David L. Olive
16. Uterine leiomyomas
Levent Mutlu, Kimberly W. Keefe, and Hugh S. Taylor
17. Pathogenesis of pelvic floor disorders
Geoffrey W. Cundiff
18. Pelvic infections and their sequelae
Jorma Paavonen
19. Fallopian tube disorders
Victor Gomel
20. Postoperative adhesions
Victor Gomel and Philippe R. Koninckx
21. Pathogenesis, pathology, and clinical significance of intrauterine adhesions
Miriam M. F. Hanstede, Mark Hans Emanuel, and Jason A. Abbott
22. Malignancy
Denis Querleu
23. Chronic pelvic pain
Fred M. Howard and Malcolm G. Munro
24. Abnormal uterine bleeding
Malcolm G. Munro
25. The adnexal mass
Denis Querleu
26. Diagnosis, investigation, and nonsurgical management of pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence
Yaël Levy-Zauberman and Hervé Fernandez
27. Infertility: Mechanisms and investigation
Victor Gomel
28. Recurrent pregnancy loss: A new strategy for evaluation based on genetic testing
William H. Kutteh, Carolyn R. Jaslow, Paul R. Brezina, Raymond W. Ke, Amelia P. Bailey, and Mary D. Stephenson
29. Surgery for congenital anomalies: Hysteroscopic, laparoscopic, laparotomic, and vaginal
Joseph S. Sanfilippo, Kathryn D. Peticca, and Fabiola Balmir
30. Surgery for vulvar disorders
Howard T. Sharp
31. Endometrial sampling and uterine curettage
Yaël Levy-Zauberman, Perrine Capmas, and Hervé Fernandez
32. Management of endometrial polyps
Jason A. Abbott and Marit Lieng
33. Endometrial ablation
Malcolm G. Munro
34. Surgery for intrauterine adhesions
Mark Hans Emanuel and Miriam M. F. Hanstede
35. Leiomyomas I: Hysteroscopic and other transvaginal approaches
Barry H. Sanders and Malcolm G. Munro
36. Leiomyomas II: Abdominal approaches
William H. Parker, Tommaso Falcone, and Malcolm G. Munro
37. Leiomyomas III: Image-guided surgery and procedures
Scott Chudnoff, Sukrant Mehta, and Eleanor Hawkins
38. Hysterectomy
Jon Ivar Einarsson and Mobolaji O. Ajao
39. Reconstructive surgery of the fallopian tube
Victor Gomel
40. Ectopic pregnancy: Surgical management
Victor Gomel
41. Ovarian surgery
Victor Gomel and Mohamed A. Bedaiwy
42. Endometriosis I: Surgery for endometriosis associated with pain
Nicola Berlanda and Paolo P. Vercellini
43. Endometriosis II: Surgical treatment of endometriosis associated with infertility
David L. Olive and Mauro Busaca
44. Endometriosis III: Deep infiltrating endometriosis
Sukhbir S. Singh and Sugandha Agarwal
45. Procedures specific for chronic pelvic pain
Fred M. Howard
46. Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence
Yaël Levy-Zauberman, Xavier Deffieux, and Hervé Fernandez
47. Management of pelvic organ prolapse
Geoffrey W. Cundiff
48. Surgery during intrauterine pregnancy
Michel Canis, Nicolas Bourdel, Céline Houlle, Benoit Rabischong, Revaz Botchorishvili, and Jean L. Pouly
49. Preservation of fertility in malignancy
Denis Querleu, Sophie Deutsch-Bringer, and Alejandra Martínez
50. Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation for fertility preservation
Ana Cobo and José Remohi
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