Quantitative Human Physiology

Preț: 619,50 lei
Disponibilitate: în stoc la furnizor
Autor: Joseph Feher
ISBN: 9780128008836
Editura: Academic Press
Anul publicarii: 2018
Ediția: 2
Pagini: 1008
Quantitative Human Physiology: An Introduction, winner of a 2018 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty), is the first text to meet the needs of the undergraduate bioengineering student who is being exposed to physiology for the first time, but requires a more analytical/quantitative approach. This book explores how component behavior produces system behavior in physiological systems. Through text explanation, figures, and equations, it provides the engineering student with a basic understanding of physiological principles with an emphasis on quantitative aspects.
- Winner of a 2018 Textbook Excellence Award (College) (Texty) from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association
- Features a quantitative approach that includes physical and chemical principles
- Provides a more integrated approach from first principles, integrating anatomy, molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology
- Includes clinical applications relevant to the biomedical engineering student (TENS, cochlear implants, blood substitutes, etc.)
- Integrates labs and problem sets to provide opportunities for practice and assessment throughout the course
Table of Contents
- Preface
- This Text Is a Physiology Text First, and Quantitative Second
- The Text Uses Mathematics Extensively
- Not All Things Worth Knowing Are Worth Knowing Well
- Perfect Is the Enemy of Good: Equations Aren’t Perfect, but They’re Often Good Enough
- Examples and Problem Sets Allow Application of the Useful Equations
- Learning Objectives, Summaries, and Review Questions Guide Student Learning
- Clinical Applications Pique Interest
- How Instructors Can Use This Text
- Ancillary Materials for Instructors
- How students Can Use This Text
- Ancillary Materials for Students
- Student Feedback
- Acknowledgments
- Unit 1: Physical and Chemical Foundations of Physiology
- 1. 1. The Core Principles of Physiology
- Abstract
- Human Physiology Is the Integrated Study of the Normal Function of the Human Body
- The Body Consists of Causal Mechanisms That Obey the Laws of Physics and Chemistry
- The Core Principles of Physiology
- Cells Are the Organizational Unit of Life
- The Concept of Homeostasis Is a Central Theme of Physiology
- Evolution Is an Efficient Cause of the Human Body Working Over Longtime Scales
- Living Beings Transform Energy and Matter
- Function Follows Form
- Positive Feedback Control Systems Have Different Signs for the Adjustment to Perturbations
- We Are Not Alone: the Microbiota
- Physiology Is a Quantitative Science
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 1. 2. Physical Foundations of Physiology I: Pressure-Driven Flow
- Abstract
- Forces Produce Flows
- Conservation of Matter or Energy Leads to the Continuity Equation
- Steady-State Flows Require Linear Gradients
- Heat, Charge, Solute, and Volume Can Be Stored: Analogues of Capacitance
- Pressure Drives Fluid Flow
- Poiseuille’s Law Governs Steady-State Laminar Flow in Narrow Tubes
- The Law of LaPlace Relates Pressure to Tension in Hollow Organs
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 1. 2. A1 Derivation of Poiseuille’s Law
- Appendix 1. 2. A2 Introductory Statistics and Linear Regresssion
- 1. 3. Physical Foundations of Physiology II: Electrical Force, Potential, Capacitance, and Current
- Abstract
- Coulomb’s Law Describes Electrical Forces
- The Electric Potential Is the Work per Unit Charge
- The Idea of Potential Is Limited to Conservative Forces
- The Work Done by a Conservative Force Is Path Independent
- Potential Difference Depends Only on the Initial and Final States
- The Electric Field Is the Negative Gradient of the Potential
- Force and Energy Are Simple Consequences of Potential
- Gauss’s Law Is a Consequence of Coulomb’s Law
- The Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor Depends on Its Area and Plate Separation
- Biological Membranes Are Electrical Capacitors
- Electric Charges Move in Response to Electric Forces
- Movement of Ions in Response to Electrical Forces Makes a Current and a Solute Flux
- The Relationship Between J and C Defines an Average Velocity
- Ohm’s Law Relates Current to Potential
- Kirchhoff’s Current Law and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
- The Time Constant Characterizes the Charging of a Capacitor in a Simple RC Circuit
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Problem Set 1. 1. Physical Foundations: Pressure and Electrical Forces and Flows
- 1. 4. Chemical Foundations of Physiology I: Chemical Energy and Intermolecular Forces
- Abstract
- Atoms Contain Distributed Electrical Charges
- Electron Orbitals Have Specific, Quantized Energies
- Human Life Requires Relatively Few of the Chemical Elements
- Atomic Orbitals Explain the Periodicity of Chemical Reactivities
- Atoms Bind Together in Definite Proportions to Form Molecules
- Compounds Have Characteristic Geometries and Surfaces
- Single CC Bonds Can Freely Rotate
- Double CC Bonds Prohibit Free Rotation
- Chemical Bonds Have Bond Energies, Bond Lengths, and Bond Angles
- Bond Energy Is Expressed as Enthalpy Changes
- The Multiplicity of CX Bonds Produces Isomerism
- Unequal Sharing Makes Polar Covalent Bonds
- Ionic Bonds Result from Atoms with Highly Unequal Electronegativities
- Water Provides an Example of a Polar Bond
- Intermolecular Forces Arise from Electrostatic Interactions
- Hydrogen Bonding Occurs Between Two Electronegative Centers
- Dipole–Dipole Interactions Are Effective Only Over Short Distances
- London Dispersion Forces Involve Induced Dipoles
- Close Approach of Molecules Results in a Repulsive Force That Combines with the van der Waals Forces in the Lennard–Jones Potential
- Atoms Within Molecules Wiggle and Jiggle, and Bonds Stretch and Bend
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 1. 4. A1 Dipole Moment
- 1. 5. Chemical Foundations of Physiology II: Concentration and Kinetics
- Abstract
- Avogadro’s Number Counts the Particles in a Mole
- Concentration Is the Amount Per Unit Volume
- Scientific Prefixes Indicate Order of Magnitude
- Dilution of Solutions Is Calculated Using Conservation of Solute
- Calculation of Fluid Volumes by the Fick Dilution Principle
- Chemical Reactions Have Forward and Reverse Rate Constants
- First-Order Rate Equations Show Exponential Decay
- Rates of Chemical Reactions Depend on the Activation Energy
- Enzymes Speed Up Reactions by Lowering Ea
- The Michaelis–Menten Formulation of Enzyme Kinetics
- Physiology Is All About Surfaces
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 1. 5. A1 Transition State Theory Explains Reaction Rates in Terms of an Activation Energy
- Appendix 1. 5. A2 Unidirectional Fluxes Over a Series of Intermediates Depend on All of the Individual Unidirectional Fluxes
- Appendix 1. 5. A3 Simple Compartmental Analysis
- 1. 6. Diffusion
- Abstract
- Fick’s First Law of Diffusion Was Proposed in Analogy to Fourier’s Law of Heat Transfer
- Fick’s Second Law of Diffusion Follows from the Continuity Equation and Fick’s First Law
- Fick’s Second Law Can Be Derived from the One-Dimensional Random Walk
- The Time for One-Dimensional Diffusion Increases with the Square of Distance
- Diffusion Coefficients in Cells Are Less than the Free Diffusion Coefficient in Water
- External Forces Can Move Particles and Alter the Diffusive Flux
- The Stokes–Einstein Equation Relates the Diffusion Coefficient to Molecular Size
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 1. 6. A1 Derivation of Einstein’s Frictional Coefficient from Momentum Transfer in Solution
- 1. 7. Electrochemical Potential and Free Energy
- Abstract
- Diffusive and Electrical Forces Can Be Unified in the Electrochemical Potential
- The Overall Force That Drives Flux Is the Negative Gradient of the Electrochemical Potential
- The Electrochemical Potential Is the Gibbs Free Energy Per Mole
- The Sign of ΔG Determines the Direction of a Reaction
- Processes with ΔG>0 Can Proceed Only by Linking Them with Another Process with ΔG<0
- The Large Negative Free Energy of ATP Hydrolysis Powers Many Biological Processes
- Measurement of the Equilibrium Concentrations of ADP, ATP, and Pi Allows Us to Calculate ΔG0
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Problem Set 1. 2. Kinetics and Diffusion
- 1. 1. The Core Principles of Physiology
- Unit 2: Membranes, Transport, and Metabolism
- 2. 1. Cell Structure
- Abstract
- For Cells, Form Follows Function
- Organelles Make Up the Cell Like the Organs Make Up the Body
- The Cell Membrane Marks the Limits of the Cell
- The Cytosol Provides a Medium for Dissolution and Transport of Materials
- The Cytoskeleton Supports the Cell and Forms a Network for Vesicular Transport
- Microtubules Are the Largest Cytoskeletal Filaments
- Actin Filaments Arise from Nucleation Sites Usually in the Cell Cortex
- Intermediate Filaments Are Diverse
- Cytoskeletal Units Form Free-Floating Structures Based on Tensegrity
- Myosin Interacts with Actin to Produce Force or Shortening
- The Nucleus Is the Command Center of the Cell
- Ribosomes Are the Site of Protein Synthesis
- The ER Is the Site of Protein and Lipid Synthesis and Processing
- The Golgi Apparatus Packages Secretory Materials
- The Mitochondrion Is the Powerhouse of the Cell
- Lysosomes and Peroxisomes Are Bags of Enzymes
- Proteasomes Degrade Marked Proteins
- Cells Attach to Each Other Through a Variety of Junctions
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 2. 1. A1 Some Methods for Studying Cell Structure and Function
- Microscopic Resolution Is the Ability to Distinguish Between Two Separated Objects
- The Electron Microscope Has Advanced Our Understanding of Cell Structure
- Subcellular Fractionation Allows Studies of Isolated Organelle But Requires Disruption of Cell Function and Structure
- Differential Centrifugation Produces Enriched Fractions of Subcellular Organelles
- Density Gradient Centrifugation Enhances Purity of the Fractions
- Analysis of Centrifugation Separation
- Centripetal Force in a Spinning Tube Is Provided by the Solvent
- The Magnitude of the Centripetal Force Can Be Expressed as Relative Centrifugal Force
- The Velocity of Sedimentation Is Measured in Svedbergs or S Units
- Density Gradient Centrifugation
- Other Optical Methods
- 2. 2. DNA and Protein Synthesis
- Abstract
- DNA Makes Up the Genome
- DNA Consists of Two Intertwined Sequences of Nucleotides
- RNA Is Closely Related to DNA
- The Genetic Code Is a System Property
- Regulation of DNA Transcription Defines the Cell Type
- The Histone Code Provides Another Level of Regulation of Gene Transcription
- DNA Methylation Represses Transcription
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 2. 3. Protein Structure
- Abstract
- Amino Acids Make Up Proteins
- Hydrophobic Interactions Can Be Assessed from the Partition Coefficient
- Peptide Bonds Link Amino Acids Together in Proteins
- Protein Function Centers on Their Ability to Form Reactive Surfaces
- There Are Four Levels of Description for Protein Structure
- Posttranslational Modification Regulates and Refines Protein Structure and Function
- Protein Activity Is Regulated by the Number of Molecules or by Reversible Activation/Inactivation
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 2. 4. Biological Membranes
- Abstract
- Biological Membranes Surround Most Intracellular Organelles
- Biological Membranes Consist of a Lipid Bilayer Core with Embedded Proteins and Carbohydrate Coats
- Organic Solvents Can Extract Lipids from Membranes
- Biological Membranes Contain Mostly Phospholipids
- Phospholipids Contain Fatty Acyl Chains, Glycerol, Phosphate, and a Hydrophilic Group
- Plasmanyl Phospholipids and Plasmenyl Phospholipids Use Fatty Alcohols Instead of Fatty Acids
- Sphingolipids Use Sphingosine as a Backbone and Are Particularly Rich in Brain and Nerve Tissues
- Other Lipid Components of Membranes Include Cardiolipin, Sphingolipids, and Cholesterol
- Surface Tension of Water Results from Asymmetric Forces at the Interface
- Water “Squeezes Out” Amphipathic Molecules
- Amphipathic Molecules Spread Over a Water Surface, Reduce Surface Tension, and Produce an Apparent Surface Pressure
- Phospholipids Form Bilayer Membranes Between Two Aqueous Compartments
- Lipid Bilayers Can Also Form Liposomes
- Although Lipids Form the Core, Membrane Proteins Carry Out Many of the Functions of Membranes
- Membrane Proteins Bind to Membranes with Varying Affinity
- Lipids Maintain Dynamic Motion Within the Bilayer
- Lipid Rafts Are Special Areas of Lipid and Protein Composition
- Caveolae and Clathrin-Coated Pits Are Stabilized by Integral Proteins
- Secreted Proteins Have Special Mechanisms for Getting Inside the Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Problem Set 2. 1. Surface Tension, Membrane Surface Tension, Membrane Structure, Microscopic Resolution, and Cell Fractionation
- 2. 5. Passive Transport and Facilitated Diffusion
- Abstract
- Membranes Possess a Variety of Transport Mechanisms
- A Microporous Membrane Is One Model of a Passive Transport Mechanism
- Dissolution in the Lipid Bilayer Is Another Model for Passive Transport
- Facilitated Diffusion Uses a Membrane-Bound Carrier
- Facilitated Diffusion Saturates with Increasing Solute Concentrations
- Facilitated Diffusion Shows Specificity
- Facilitated Diffusion Shows Competitive Inhibition
- Passive Transport Occurs Spontaneously Without Input of Energy
- Ions Can be Passively Transported Across Membranes by Ionophores or by Channels
- Ionophores Carry Ions Across Membranes or Form Channels
- Ion Channels
- Water Moves Passively Through Aquaporins
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 2. 6. Active Transport: Pumps and Exchangers
- Abstract
- The Electrochemical Potential Difference Measures the Energetics of Ion Permeation
- Active Transport Mechanisms Link Metabolic Energy to Transport of Materials
- Na, K-ATPase Is an Example of Primary Active Transport
- Na, K-ATPase Forms a Phosphorylated Intermediate
- The Na, K-ATPase Is Electrogenic
- There Are Many Different Primary Active Transport Pumps
- The Na–Ca Exchanger as an Example of Secondary Active Transport
- Secondary Active Transport Mechanisms Are Symports or Antiports
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 2. 6. A1 Derivation of the Ussing Flux Ratio Equation
- Appendix 2. 6. A2 Nomenclature of Transport Proteins
- Carrier Classifications
- Solute Carriers
- ATP-Driven Ion Pumps
- ABC Transporters
- Aquaporins
- 2. 7. Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure
- Abstract
- Osmosis Is the Flow of Water Driven by Solute Concentration Differences
- The van’t Hoff Equation Relates Osmotic Pressure to Concentration
- Thermodynamic Derivation of van’t Hoff’s Law
- Osmotic Pressure Is a Property of Solutions Related to Other Colligative Properties
- The Osmotic Coefficient φ Corrects for the Assumption of Dilute Solution and for Nonideal Behavior
- The Rational Osmotic Coefficient Corrects for the Assumption of Ideality
- Equivalence of Osmotic and Hydrostatic Pressures
- The Reflection Coefficient Corrects van’t Hoff’s Equation for Permeable Solutes
- Lp for a Microporous Membrane Depends on the Microscopic Characteristics of the Membrane
- Case 1: The Solute Is Very Small Compared to the Pore
- Case 2: The Solute Is Larger than the Pore: The Mechanism of Osmosis for Microporous Membranes
- Case 3: The Reflection Coefficient Results from Partially Restricted Entry of Solutes into the Pores
- Solutions May Be Hypertonic or Hypotonic
- Osmosis, Osmotic Pressure, and Tonicity Are Related But Distinct Concepts
- Cells Behave Like Osmometers
- Cells Actively Regulate Their Volume Through RVDs and RVIs
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 2. 7. A1 Mechanism of Osmosis: Filtration Versus Diffusion Down a Concentration Gradient
- Problem Set 2. 2. Membrane Transport
- 2. 8. Cell Signaling
- Abstract
- Signaling Transduces One Event into Another
- Cell-to-Cell Communication Can Also Use Direct Mechanical, Electrical, or Chemical Signals
- Signals Elicit a Variety of Classes of Cellular Responses
- Electrical Signals and Neurotransmitters Are Fastest; Endocrine Signals Are Slowest
- Voltage-Gated Ion Channels Convey Electrical Signals
- Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels Transduce an Electrical Signal to an Intracellular Ca2+ Signal
- Ligand-Gated Ion Channels Open Upon Binding with Chemical Signals
- Heterotrimeric G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) Are Versatile
- There Are Four Classes of G-Proteins: Gαs, Gαi/Gαo, Gαq, and Gα12/Gα13
- The Response of a Cell to a Chemical Signal Depends on the Receptor and Its Effectors
- Chemical Signals Can Bind to and Directly Activate Membrane-Bound Enzymes
- Many Signals Alter Gene Expression
- Nuclear Receptors Alter Gene Transcription
- Nuclear Receptors Recruit Histone Acetylase to Unwrap the DNA from the Histones
- Nuclear Receptors Recruit Transcription Factors
- Other Signaling Pathways Also Regulate Gene Expression
- Summary of Signaling Mechanisms
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 2. 9. ATP Production I: Glycolysis
- Abstract
- Take a Global View of Metabolism
- Energy Production Occurs in Three Stages: Breakdown into Units, Formation of Acetyl CoA, and Complete Oxidation of Acetyl CoA
- ATP Is the Energy Currency of the Cell
- Fuel Reserves Are Stored in the Body Primarily in Fat Depots and Glycogen
- Glucose Is a Readily Available Source of Energy
- Glucose Release by the Liver Is Controlled by Hormones Through a Second Messenger System
- The Liver Exports Glucose into the Blood Because It Can Dephosphorylate Glucose-6-P
- A Specific Glucose Carrier Takes Glucose up into Cells
- Glycolysis Is a Series of Biochemical Transformations Leading from Glucose to Pyruvate
- Glycolysis Generates ATP Quickly in the Absence of Oxygen
- Glycolysis Requires NAD+
- Gluconeogenesis Requires Reversal of Glycolysis
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 2. 10. ATP Production II: The TCA Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Abstract
- Oxidation of Pyruvate Occurs in the Mitochondria via the TCA Cycle
- Pyruvate Enters the Mitochondria and Is Converted to Acetyl CoA
- Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Releases CO2 and Makes NADH
- The Affinity of a Chemical for Electrons Is Measured by Its Standard Reduction Potential
- The Reduction Potential Depends on the Concentration of Oxidized and Reduced Forms, and the Temperature
- The TCA Cycle Is a Catalytic Cycle
- The ETC Links Chemical Energy to H+ Pumping Out of the Mitochondria
- Oxygen Accepts Electrons at the End of the ETC
- Proton Pumping and Electron Transport Are Tightly Coupled
- The ATP Synthase Couples Inward H+ Flux to ATP Synthesis
- The Proton Electrochemical Gradient Provides the Energy for ATP Synthesis
- NADH Forms About 2. 5 ATP Molecules; FADH2 Forms About 1. 5 ATP Molecules
- ATP Can Be Produced From Cytosolic NADH
- Most of the ATP Produced During Complete Glucose Oxidation Comes from Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Mitochondria Have Specific Transport Mechanisms
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 2. 11. ATP Production III: Fatty Acid Oxidation and Amino Acid Oxidation
- Abstract
- Fats and Proteins Contribute 50% of the Energy Content of Many Diets
- Depot Fat Is Stored as Triglycerides and Broken Down to Glycerol and Fatty Acids for Energy
- Glycerol Is Converted to an Intermediate of Glycolysis
- Fatty Acids Are Metabolized in the Mitochondria and Peroxisomes
- Beta Oxidation Cleaves Two Carbon Pieces off Fatty Acids
- The Liver Packages Substrates for Energy Production by Other Tissues
- Amino Acids Can Be Used to Generate ATP
- Amino Acids Are Deaminated to Enable Oxidation
- Urea Is Produced During Deamination and Is Eliminated as a Waste Product
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 2. 1. Cell Structure
- Unit 3: Physiology of Excitable Cells
- 3. 1. The Origin of the Resting Membrane Potential
- Abstract
- Introduction
- The Equilibrium Potential Arises from the Balance Between Electrical Force and Diffusion
- The Equilibrium Potential for K+ Is Negative
- Integration of the Nernst–Planck Electrodiffusion Equation Gives the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz Equation
- Slope Conductance and Chord Conductance Relate Ion Flows to the Net Driving Force
- The Chord Conductance Equation Relates Membrane Potential to All Ion Flows
- The Current Convention Is that an Outward Current Is Positive
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 3. 1. A1 Derivation of the GHK Equation
- 3. 2. The Action Potential
- Abstract
- Cells Use Action Potentials as Fast Signals
- The Motor Neuron Has Dendrites, a Cell Body, and an Axon
- Passing a Current Across the Membrane Changes the Membrane Potential
- An Outward Current Hyperpolarizes the Membrane Potential
- The Result of Depolarizing Stimulus of Adequate Size Is a New Phenomenon—the Action Potential
- The Action Potential Is All or None
- The Latency Decreases with Increasing Stimulus Strength
- Threshold Is the Membrane Potential at Which an Action Potential Is Elicited 50% of the Time
- The Nerve Cannot Produce a Second Excitation During the Absolute Refractory Period
- The Action Potential Reverses to Positive Values, Called the Overshoot
- The Strength–Duration Relationship is Hyperbolic
- Voltage-Dependent Changes in Ion Conductance Cause the Action Potential
- The Action Potential Is Accompanied by Na+ Influx
- The Chord Conductance Equation Predicts that Changes in Conductance Will Change the Membrane Potential
- gNa Increases Transiently During the Action Potential; gK Increases Later and Stays Elevated Longer
- Conductance and Equilibrium Potentials for Na+ and K+ Account for All of the Features of the Action Potential
- gNa Is a Function of a Na+-Selective Channel
- The Inactivation Gates Must Be Reset Before Another Action Potential Can Be Fired
- Conductance Depends on the Number and State of the Channels
- Patch Clamp Experiments Measure Unitary Conductances
- The Current–Voltage Relationship for the Whole Cell Determines the Threshold for Excitation
- Threshold Depolarization Requires a Threshold Charge Movement, Which Explains the Strength–Duration Relationship
- The Amount of Charge Necessary to Reach Threshold Explains the Strength–Duration Relationship
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 3. 2. A1 The Hodgkin–Huxley Model of the Action Potential
- The HH Model Divides the Total Current into Separate Na+, K+, and Leak Currents
- The HH Model of the K+ Conductance Incorporates Four Independent “Particles”
- The HH Model of Na+ Conductances Uses Activating and Inactivating Particles
- Calculation of gNa(t) and gK(t) for a Voltage Clamp Experiment
- Results of the Calculations
- 3. 3. Propagation of the Action Potential
- Abstract
- The Action Potential Moves Along the Axon
- The Velocity of Nerve Conduction Varies Directly with the Axon Diameter
- The Action Potential Is Propagated by Current Moving Axially Down the Axon
- The Time Course and Distance of Electrotonic Spread Depend on the Cable Properties of the Nerve
- Capacitance Depends on the Area, Thickness, and Dielectric Constant
- Charge Buildup or Depletion from a Capacitor Constitutes a Capacitative Current
- The Transmembrane Resistance Depends on the Area of the Membrane
- The Axoplasmic Resistance Depends on the Distance, Area, and Specific Resistance
- The Extracellular Resistance Also Depends on the Distance, Area, and Specific Resistance
- Cable Properties Define a Space Constant and a Time Constant
- The Cable Properties Explain the Velocity of Action Potential Conduction
- Saltatory Conduction Refers to the “Jumping” of the Current from Node to Node
- The Action Potential Is Spread out Over More than One Node
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 3. 3. A1 Capacitance of a Coaxial Capacitor
- The Capacitance of a Coaxial Cable
- Problem Set 3. 1. Membrane Potential, Action Potential, and Nerve Conduction
- 3. 4. Skeletal Muscle Mechanics
- Abstract
- Muscles Either Shorten or Produce Force
- Muscles Perform Diverse Functions
- Muscles Are Classified According to Fine Structure, Neural Control, and Anatomical Arrangement
- Isometric Force Is Measured While Keeping Muscle Length Constant
- Muscle Force Depends on the Number of Motor Units That Are Activated
- The Size Principle States That Motor Units Are Recruited in the Order of Their Size
- Muscle Force Can Be Graded by the Frequency of Motor Neuron Firing
- Muscle Force Depends on the Length of the Muscle
- Recruitment Provides the Greatest Gradation of Muscle Force
- Muscle Fibers Differ in Contractile, Metabolic and Proteomic Characteristics
- Motor Units Contain a Single Type of Muscle Fiber
- The Innervation Ratio of Motor Units Produces a Proportional Control of Muscle Force
- Muscle Force Varies Inversely with Muscle Velocity
- Muscle Power Varies with the Load and Muscle Type
- Eccentric Contractions Lengthen the Muscle and Produce More Force
- Concentric, Isometric, and Eccentric Contractions Serve Different Functions
- Muscle Architecture Influences Force and Velocity of the Whole Muscle
- Muscles Decrease Force Upon Repeated Stimulation; This Is Fatigue
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 3. 5. Contractile Mechanisms in Skeletal Muscle
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Muscle Fibers Have a Highly Organized Structure
- The Sliding Filament Hypothesis Explains the Length–Tension Curve
- Force Is Produced by an Interaction Between Thick Filament Proteins and Thin Filament Proteins
- The Thin Filament Consists Primarily of Actin
- α-Actinin at the Z-disk Joins Actin Filaments of Adjacent Sarcomeres
- Myomesin Joins Thick Filaments at the M-Line or M-Band
- Overall Structure of the Sarcomere Is Complicated
- Cross-Bridges from the Thick Filament Split ATP and Generate Force
- Myosin Heads Are Independent But May Cooperate Through Strain on the Cross-Bridge
- Cross-Bridge Cycling Rate Explains the Fiber-Type Dependence of the Force–Velocity Curve
- Force Is Transmitted Outside the Cell Through the Cytoskeleton and Special Transmembrane Proteins
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 3. 6. The Neuromuscular Junction and Excitation–Contraction Coupling
- Abstract
- Motor Neurons Are the Sole Physiological Activators of Skeletal Muscles
- The Motor Neuron Receives Thousands of Inputs from Other Cells
- Postsynaptic Potentials Can Be Excitatory or Inhibitory
- Postsynaptic Potentials Are Graded, Spread Electrotonically, and Decay with Time
- Action Potentials Originate at the Initial Segment or Axon Hillock
- Motor Neurons Integrate Multiple Synaptic Inputs to Initiate Action Potentials
- The Action Potential Travels Down the Axon Toward the Neuromuscular Junction
- The Neuromuscular Junction Consists of Multiple Enlargements Connected by Axon Segments
- Neurotransmission at the Neuromuscular Junction Is Unidirectional
- Motor Neurons Release Acetylcholine to Excite Muscles
- Ca2+ Efflux Mechanisms in the Presynaptic Cell Shut Off the Ca2+ Signal
- Acetylcholine Is Degraded and Then Recycled
- The Action Potential on the Muscle Membrane Propagates Both Ways on the Muscle
- The Muscle Fiber Converts the Action Potential into an Intracellular Ca2+ Signal
- The Ca2+ during E–C Coupling Originates from the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
- Ca2+ Release from the SR and Reuptake by the SR Requires Several Proteins
- Reuptake of Ca2+ by the SR Ends Contraction and Initiates Relaxation
- Cross-Bridge Cycling Is Controlled by Myoplasmic [Ca2+]
- Sequential SR Release and Summation of Myoplasmic [Ca2+] Explains Summation and Tetany
- The Elastic Properties of the Muscle Are Responsible for the Waveform of the Twitch
- Repetitive Stimulation Causes Repetitive Ca2+ Release from the SR and Wave Summation
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 3. 6. A1 Molecular Machinery of the Neuromuscular Junction
- Appendix 3. 6. A2 Molecular Machinery of the Calcium Release Unit
- 3. 7. Muscle Energetics, Fatigue, and Training
- Abstract
- Muscular Activity Relies on the Free Energy of ATP Hydrolysis
- Muscular Activity Consumes ATP at High Rates
- The Aggregate Rate and Amount of ATP Consumption Varies with the Intensity and Duration of Exercise
- In Repetitive Exercise, Intensity Increases Frequency and Reduces Rest Time
- Metabolic Pathways Regenerate ATP on Different Timescales and with Different Capacities
- The Metabolic Pathways Used by Muscle Varies with Intensity and Duration of Exercise
- At High Intensity of Exercise, Glucose and Glycogen Are the Preferred Fuel for Muscle
- Lactic Acid Produced by Anaerobic Metabolism Allows High Glycolytic Flux
- Muscle Fibers Differ in Their Metabolic Properties
- Blood Lactate Levels Rise Progressively with Increases in Exercise Intensity
- Mitochondria Import Lactic Acid, Then Metabolize it; This Forms a Carrier System for NADH Oxidation
- Lactate Shuttles to the Mitochondria, Oxidative Fibers, or Liver
- The “Anaerobic Threshold” Results from a Mismatch of Lactic Acid Production and Oxidation
- Exercise Increases Glucose Transporters in the Muscle Sarcolemma
- Fatigue Is a Transient Loss of Work Capacity Resulting from Preceding Work
- Initial Training Gains Are Neural
- Muscle Strength Depends on Muscle Size
- Endurance Training Uses Repetitive Movements to Tune Muscle Metabolism
- Endocrine and Autocrine Signals Regulate Muscle Size (=Strength)
- Human Ability to Switch Muscle Fiber Types Is Limited
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Problem Set 3. 2. Neuromuscular Transmission, Muscle Force, and Energetics
- 3. 8. Smooth Muscle
- Abstract
- Smooth Muscles Show No Cross-Striations
- Smooth Muscle Develops Tension More Slowly But Can Maintain Tension for a Long Time
- Smooth Muscle Can Contract Tonically or Phasically
- Smooth Muscles Exhibit a Variety of Electrical Activities that May or May Not Be Coupled to Force Development
- Contractile Filaments in Smooth Muscle Cells Form a Lattice That Attaches to the Cell Membrane
- Adjacent Smooth Muscle Cells Are Mechanically Coupled and May Be Electrically Coupled
- Smooth Muscle Is Controlled by Intrinsic Activity, Nerves, and Hormones
- Nerves Release Neurotransmitters Diffusely onto Smooth Muscle
- Contraction in Smooth Muscle Cells Is Initiated by Increasing Intracellular [Ca2+]
- Smooth Muscle Cytosolic [Ca2+] Is Heterogeneous and Controlled by Multiple Mechanisms
- Smooth Muscle [Ca2+] Can Be Regulated by Chemical Signals
- Force in Smooth Muscle Arises from Ca2+ Activation of Actin–Myosin Interaction
- Myosin Light Chain Phosphorylation Regulates Smooth Muscle Force
- Myosin Light Chain Phosphatase Dephosphorylates the RLC
- Ca2+ Sensitization Produces Force at Lower [Ca2+] Levels
- Nitric Oxide Induces Smooth Muscle Relaxation by Stimulating Guanylate Cyclase
- Adrenergic Stimulation Relaxes Smooth Muscles by Reducing Cytosolic [Ca2+]
- Synopsis of Mechanisms Promoting Contraction or Relaxation of Smooth Muscle
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 3. 1. The Origin of the Resting Membrane Potential
- Unit 4: The Nervous System
- 4. 1. Organization of the Nervous System
- Abstract
- The Neuroendocrine System Controls Physiological Systems
- A Central Tenet of Physiological Psychology Is That Neural Processes Completely Explain All Behavior
- The New Mind–Body Problem Is How Consciousness Arises from a Material Brain
- External Behavioral Responses Require Sensors, Internal Processes, and Motor Response
- The Nervous System Is Divided into the Central and Peripheral Nervous System
- The Brain Has Readily Identifiable Surface Features
- CSF Fills the Ventricles and Cushions the Brain
- The Blood-Brain Barrier Protects the Brain
- Cross Sections of the Brain and Staining Reveal Internal Structures
- Gray Matter Is Organized into Layers
- Overall Function of the Nervous System Derives from its Component Cells
- Overview of the Functions of Some Major Areas of the CNS
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 4. 2. Cells, Synapses, and Neurotransmitters
- Abstract
- Nervous System Behavior Derives from Cell Behavior
- Nervous Tissue Is Composed of Neurons and Supporting Cells
- Glial Cells Protect and Serve
- Neurons Differ in Shapes and Size
- Input Information Typically Converges on the Cell and Output Information Diverges
- Chemical Synapses Are Overwhelmingly More Common
- Ca2+ Signals Initiate Chemical Neurotransmission
- Vesicle Fusion Uses the Same Molecular Machinery That Regulates Other Vesicle Traffic
- Ca2+ Efflux Mechanisms in the Pre-Synaptic Cell Shut Off the Ca2+ Signal
- Removal or Destruction of the Neurotransmitter Shuts Off the Neurotransmitter Signal
- The Pre-Synaptic Terminal Recycles Neurotransmitter Vesicles
- Ionotropic Receptors Are Ligand-Gated Channels; Metabotropic Receptors Are GPCR
- Acetylcholine Binds to Nicotinic Receptors or Muscarinic Receptors
- Catecholamines: Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Epinephrine Derive from Tyrosine
- Dopamine Couples to Gs and Gi-Coupled Receptors through D1 and D2 Receptors
- Adrenergic Receptors Are Classified According to Their Pharmacology
- Glutamate and Aspartate Are Excitatory Neurotransmitters
- GABA Inhibits Neurons
- Serotonin Exerts Multiple Effects in the PNS and CNS
- Neuropeptides Are Synthesized in the Soma and Transported via Axonal Transport
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 4. 3. Cutaneous Sensory Systems
- Abstract
- Sensors Provide a Window onto Our World
- Exteroreceptors Include the Five Classical Senses and the Cutaneous Senses
- Interoreceptors Report on the Chemical and Physical State of the Interior of the Body
- Sensory Systems Consist of the Sense Organ, the Sensory Receptors, and the Pathways to the CNS
- Perception Refers to Our Awareness of a Stimulus
- Long and Short Receptors Differ in Their Production of Action Potentials
- Anatomical Connection Determines the Quality of a Sensory Stimulus
- The Intensity of Sensory Stimuli Is Encoded by the Frequency of Sensory Receptor Firing and the Population of Active Receptors
- Frequency Coding is the Basis of the Weber–Fechner Law of Psychology
- Adaptation to a Stimulus Allows Sensory Neurons to Signal Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
- Receptive Fields Refer to the Physical Areas at Which a Stimulus Will Excite a Receptor
- Cutaneous Receptors Include Mechanoreceptors, Thermoreceptors, and Nociceptors
- Somatosensory Information Is Transmitted to the Brain through the Dorsal Column Pathway
- The Cutaneous Senses Map onto the Sensory Cortex
- Pain and Temperature Information Travel in the Anterolateral Tract
- Disorders of Sensation Can Pinpoint Damage
- Pain Sensation Can Be Reduced by Somatosensory Input
- The Receptive Field of Somatosensory Cortical Neurons is Often On-Center, Off-Surround
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 4. 4. Spinal Reflexes
- Abstract
- A Reflex is a Stereotyped Muscular Response to a Specific Sensory Stimulus
- The Withdrawal Reflex Protects Us from Painful Stimuli
- The Crossed-Extensor Reflex Usually Occurs in Association with the Withdrawal Reflex
- The Myotatic Reflex Involves a Muscle Length Sensor, the Muscle Spindle
- The Muscle Spindle Is a Specialized Muscle Fiber
- The Myotatic Reflex Is a MonoSynaptic Reflex Between Ia Afferents and the α Motor Neuron
- The Gamma Motor System Maintains Tension on the Intrafusal Fibers During Muscle Contraction
- The Inverse Myotatic Reflex Involves Sensors of Muscle Force in the Tendon
- The Spinal Cord Possesses Other Reflexes and Includes Locomotor Pattern Generators
- The Spinal Cord Contains Descending Tracts That Control Lower Motor Neurons
- All of the Inputs to the Lower Motor Neurons Form Integrated Responses
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 4. 5. Balance and Control of Movement
- Abstract
- The Nervous System Uses a Population Code and Frequency Code to Control Contractile Force
- Control of Movement Entails Control of α Motoneuron Activity
- The Circuitry of the Spinal Cord Provides the First Layer in a Hierarchy of Muscle Control
- The Motor Nerves Are Organized by Myotomes
- Spinal Reflexes Form the Basis of Motor Control
- Purposeful Movements Originate in the Cerebral Cortex
- The Primary Motor Cortex Has a Somatotopic Organization
- Motor Activity Originates from Sensory Areas Together with Premotor Areas
- Motor Control Is Hierarchical and Serial
- The Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum Play Important Roles in Movement
- The Substantia Nigra Sets the Balance Between the Direct and Indirect Pathways
- The Cerebellum Maintains Movement Accuracy
- The Sense of Balance Originates in Hair Cells in the Vestibular Apparatus
- Rotation of the Head Gives Opposite Signals from the Two Vestibular Apparatuses
- The Utricles and Saccules Contain Hair Cells That Respond to Static Forces of Gravity
- The Afferent Sensory Neurons from the Vestibular Apparatus Project to the Vestibular Nuclei in the Medulla
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Problem Set 4. 1. Nerve Conduction
- Abstract
- 4. 6. The Chemical Senses
- Abstract
- The Chemical Senses Include Taste and Smell
- Taste and Olfactory Receptors Turn Over Regularly
- The Olfactory Epithelium Resides in the Roof of the Nasal Cavities
- Olfactory Receptor Cells Send Axons Through the Cribriform Plate
- Humans Recognize a Wide Variety of Odors But Are Often Untrained in Their Identification
- The Response to Specific Odorants Is Mediated by Specific Odorant Binding Proteins
- The Olfactory Receptor Cells Send Axons to Second-Order Neurons in the Olfactory Bulb
- Each Glomerulus Corresponds to One Receptor That Responds to Its Molecular Receptive Range
- Olfaction Requires Pattern Recognition Over About 350 Input Channels
- Olfactory Output Connects Directly to the Cortex in the Temporal Lobe
- A Second Olfactory Output Is Through the Thalamus to the Orbitofrontal Cortex
- The Detection Limits for Odors Can Be Low
- Adaptation to Odors Involves the Central Nervous System
- Some “Smells” Stimulate the Trigeminal Nerve and Not the Olfactory Nerve
- Humans Distinguish Among Five Primary Types of Taste Sensations
- The Taste Buds Are Groups of Taste Receptors Arranged on Taste Papillae
- TRCs Respond to Single Modalities
- Salty Taste Has Two Mechanisms Distinguished by Their Amiloride Sensitivity
- Sour Taste Depends on TRC Cytosolic pH
- Sweet, Bitter, and Umami Taste Are Transduced by Three Sets of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
- The “Hot” Taste of Jalapeno Peppers Is Sensed Through Pain Receptors
- Taste Receptors Project to the Cortex Through the Solitary Nucleus and the Thalamus
- Flavor Is in the Brain
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 4. 7. Hearing
- Abstract
- The Human Auditory System Discriminates Among Tone, Timbre, and Intensity
- The Auditory System Can Locate Sources of Noise Using Time Delays and Intensity Differences
- The Ear Consists of Three Parts: the Outer Ear, Middle Ear, and Inner Ear: Each Has a Definite Function
- Hair Cells of the Cochlea Respond to Deformation of Stereocilia Touching the Tectorial Membrane
- Outer Hair Cells Move in Response to Efferent Stimulation and Thereby Tune the Inner Hair Cells
- The Cochlea Produces a Tonotopic Mapping of Sound Frequency
- Auditory Information Passes Through the Brain Stem to the Auditory Cortex
- Language is Processed in Areas Near the Primary Auditory Cortex in the Left Hemisphere, but Music Is Processed in the Right Hemisphere
- Perception of Pitch Is Accomplished by a Combination of Tuning and Phase Locking
- The Cochlear Microphonic Shows that the Inner Hair Cells Have an AC Response That Can Keep up with Moderate Frequency Vibrations
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 4. 7. A1 The Physics of Sound
- 4. 8. Vision
- Abstract
- Overview of the Visual System
- The Structure of the Eye Enables Focusing of Light on the Retina
- The Vitreous Body Maintains Eye Shape
- The Eye Focuses Light on the Retina by Refraction
- The Lens Changes Shape to Focus Near Objects
- Near-Sightedness and Far-Sightedness Are Problems in Focusing the Image on the Retina
- Photoreceptor Cells in the Retina Transduce Light Signals
- The Retina Consists of Several Layers and Begins Processing of Visual Signals
- Bipolar Cells Are Off-Center or On-Center
- The Output of Bipolar Cells Converge Onto On-Center and Off-Center Ganglion Cells
- Signals from the Two Eyes Cross Over During the Central Visual Pathways
- Some Ganglion Cells Project to Other Areas of the Brain
- Additional Processing of Visual Images Occurs in the Visual Cortex
- The Visual Cortex Sends Output to the Temporal and Parietal Lobes
- We Still Do Not Know How We Perceive Visual Images
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Appendix 4. 8. A1 Refraction of Light and the Thin Lens Formula
- 4. 2 Problem Set. Sensory Transduction
- 4. 9. Autonomic Nervous System
- Abstract
- The Autonomic Nervous System Serves a Homeostatic Function and an Adaptive Function
- Autonomic Reflexes Are Fast
- The Emotional State Greatly Affects Autonomic Efferent Function
- Autonomic Efferent Nerves Have Two Neurons
- The Sympathetic Nervous System Originates in the Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord
- The Parasympathetic Nervous System Originates in Cranial and Sacral Nerves
- Autonomic Reflexes Link Sensory Input to Motor Efferents
- The Major Autonomic Neurotransmitters Are Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine
- Parasympathetic Release of Acetylcholine Works on MuscarinicReceptors
- Norepinephrine Released by Postganglionic Sympathetic Neurons Acts Through α- and β-Receptors
- Autonomic Nerve Terminals Also Release Other Neurotransmitters
- Effects of Autonomic Stimulation Depend on the Receptor on the Target Cell
- The Pupillary Light Reflex Regulates Light Intensity Falling on the Retina: A Parasympathetic Reflex
- Micturition Involves Autonomic Reflexes and Volitional Nervous Activity
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 4. 1. Organization of the Nervous System
- Unit 5: The Cardiovascular System
- 5. 1. Overview of the Cardiovascular System and the Blood
- Abstract
- The Circulatory System Is a Transport System
- The Circulatory System Consists of the Heart, Blood Vessels, and Blood
- The Circulatory System Carries Nutrients, Wastes, Chemical Signals, and Heat
- The Circulation Is Necessary Because Diffusion from and to the Environment Is Too Slow
- The Circulatory System Consists of the Pulmonary Circulation and Systemic Circulation
- Most Circulatory Beds Are Arranged in Parallel
- Pressure Drives Blood Flow Through the Vascular System
- Vessels Are Characterized by a Compliance
- Blood Consists of Cells Suspended in Plasma
- Hemostasis Defends the Integrity of the Vascular Volume
- Blood Coagulation Sits on a Knife Edge of Activation and Inhibition
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 2. Plasma and Red Blood Cells
- Abstract
- Plasma Consists Mainly of Water, Electrolytes, and Proteins
- Plasma Proteins and Ions Buffer Changes in Plasma pH
- The Oncotic Pressure of Plasma Proteins Retains Circulatory Volume
- The Erythrocyte Is the Most Abundant Cell in the Blood
- Erythrocytes Contain a Lot of Hemoglobin
- Hemoglobin Consists of Four Polypeptide Chains, Each with a Heme Group
- Erythropoietin Controls Formation of Erythrocytes from Pluripotent Stem Cells in Bone Marrow
- Phagocytes in the Reticuloendothelial System Destroy Worn Erythrocytes
- Iron Recycles into New Heme
- Human Blood Can Be Classified into a Small Number of Blood Types
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 3. White Blood Cells and Inflammation
- Abstract
- The White Blood Cells Include Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Monocytes, Lymphocytes, and Platelets
- White Blood Cells Originate from Pluripotent Stem Cells
- Neutrophils Are Phagocytes
- Monocytes Leave the Circulatory System to Become Tissue Macrophages
- Basophils Resemble Mast Cells
- Eosinophils Are Involved in Defense of Parasitic Infections and Allergies
- Lymphocytes Form a Specific Defense System
- Tissue Macrophages, Monocytes, and Specialized Endothelial Cells Form the Reticuloendothelial System
- Inflammation Is the Net Response of the Body to Tissue Injury
- Inflammation Begins with the Release of Signaling Molecules from the Damaged Tissue
- The Innate Immune Response Requires No Prior Exposure–Specificity of the Response Is Inherited in the Genome
- Neutrophils and Monocytes Leave the Circulatory System by Diapedesis in Response to Chemotaxic Compounds
- The Complement System Destroys Microbes that Have Attached Antibodies
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 4. The Heart as a Pump
- Abstract
- The Heart Is Located in the Center of the Thoracic Cavity
- The Heart Is a Muscle
- Contraction of Cardiac Muscle Produces a Pressure within the Chamber
- Blood is Pumped through Four Chambers
- The Four Valves Are Nearly CoPlanar
- Closure of the Valves Produces the Heart Sounds
- Additional Turbulence Causes Heart Murmurs
- Summary of the Contractile Events in the Cardiac Cycle
- An Automatic Electrical System Controls the Contraction of the Heart
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Problem Set 5. 1. Blood
- 5. 5. The Cardiac Action Potential
- Abstract
- Different Cardiac Cells Differ in Their Resting Membrane Potential and Action Potential
- SA Nodal Cells Spontaneously Generate Action Potentials Whereas Contractile Cells Have Stable Resting Membrane Potentials
- Autonomic Nerves Alter the Heart Rate by Affecting the Pacemaker Potential
- The Ionic Basis of the Ventricular Cardiomyocyte Action Potential
- Epinephrine Enhances the L-Type Ca2+ Channels, Which Elevates the Action Potential Plateau
- The Action Potential Is Conducted to Neighboring Cells through Gap Junctions in the Intercalated Disks
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 6. The Electrocardiogram
- Abstract
- The ECG is the Projection of Cardiac Electrical Activity onto the Body Surface
- The Heart Muscle Fibers Act as Electric Dipoles
- Einthoven Idealized the Thorax as a Triangle
- The Heart’s Electric Dipole Moment Varies with Time—and so Does its Recording on Leads I, II, and III
- The Values of Leads I and III Can Be Used to Calculate the Electric Dipole Moment of the Heart
- Atrial Depolarization Causes the P wave
- Sequential Depolarization of the Ventricles Produces the QRS Complex
- The Subepicardium Repolarizes before the Subendocardium, Causing an Upright T wave
- The Cardiac Dipole Traces a Closed Curve during Each Heart Beat
- The Largest Depolarization Defines the Mean Electrical Axis
- Unipolar Leads Record the Difference between an Electrode and a Zero Electrode
- Augmented Unipolar Limb Leads Use Combination of Only Two Electrodes for the Indifferent Electrode
- The Einthoven Triangle is Only Approximately Valid
- The Cardiac Cycle, Revisited
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 7. The Cellular Basis of Cardiac Contractility
- Abstract
- Cardiac Muscle Shares Many Structural Features with Skeletal Muscle
- Intercalated Disks Electrically Couple Cardiomyocytes
- The Strength of Cardiac Muscle Contraction Is not Regulated by Recruitment or by Summation
- Cardiac Myofibrils Have Thick and Thin Filaments and Form the Cross-Striations
- Actin-Activated Myosin ATPase Activity Produces Force and Shortening
- Cytoplasmic [Ca2+] Controls Actomyosin Cross-Bridge Cycling
- Calcium-Induced Calcium Release Couples Excitation to Contraction in Cardiac Muscle
- Reuptake of Ca2+ by the SR and SL Extrusion of Ca2+ Cause Relaxation
- Mitochondria Can Take Up Ca2+
- Calsequestrin Augments SR Ca2+ Uptake and Release
- What Regulates Cardiac Contractility?
- The Force Generally Increases with the Frequency of the Heart Beat: The Force–Frequency Relation
- Sympathetic Stimulation Increases Force by Increasing the Ca2+ Transient
- Parasympathetic Stimulation Opposes Sympathetic Effects (see Figure 5. 7. 7)
- Cardiac Glycosides Increase Cardiac Contractility by Increasing the Ca2+ Transient
- Cardiac Contractile Force Is Powerfully Modulated by Stretch
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 8. The Cardiac Function Curve
- Abstract
- Cardiac Output Is the Flow Produced by the Heart
- Stroke Volume Is Determined by Preload, Afterload, and Contractility
- The Integral of the Pressure–Volume Loop Is the PV Work
- Total Work of the Heart Includes Pressure, Kinetic, and Gravitational Terms
- Stretch of the Heart Determines the Stroke Volume: The Frank–Starling Law of the Heart
- The Ventricular Function Curve Plots Cardiac Function against Right Atrial Pressure
- Increasing Preload Increases the Stroke Volume, Increasing Afterload Decreases It
- Positive Inotropic Agents Shift the Cardiac Function Curve Up and to the Left
- Fick’s Principle Estimates Cardiac Output from O2 Consumption
- Cardiac Output can be Determined by the Indicator Dilution Method
- The Thermal Dilution Method
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Problem Set 5. 2. Cardiac Work
- Publisher Summary
- 5. 9. Vascular Function: Hemodynamics
- Abstract
- The Vascular System Distributes Cardiac Output to the Tissues
- The Circulatory System Uses Four Major Physical Principles
- Flow is Driven by a Pressure Difference
- Compliance Describes the Relation between Pressure and Volume in the Vessels
- The Heart’s Ejection of Blood into the Arterial Tree Causes the Arterial Pressure Pulse
- The Pulse Pressure Depends on the Stroke Volume and Compliance of the Arteries
- Diastolic Pressure Plus One-Third Pulse Pressure Estimates the Mean Arterial Pressure
- Pressure and Flow Waves Propagate Down the Arterial Tree
- Clinicians Use a Sphygmomanometer to Measure Blood Pressure
- Blood Vessels Branch Extensively, Reducing Their Diameter but Increasing the Overall Area
- The Major Pressure Drop in the Arterial Circulation Occurs in the Arterioles
- Poiseuille’s Law Only Approximately Describes Flow in the Vasculature
- The Ratio of ΔP to Qv Defines the Vascular Resistance
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 10. The Microcirculation and Solute Exchange
- Abstract
- The Exchange Vessels Include Capillaries, Terminal Arterioles, and Venules
- Ultrastructural Studies Reveal Three Distinct Types of Capillaries
- Capillary Exchange Uses Passive Mechanisms
- Passive Diffusion Obeys Fick’s Law of Diffusion Across Multiple Barriers
- Either Flow or Diffusion Can Limit Delivery of Materials to Cells
- The Interstitial Fluid Concentration Is Set by the Balance Between Consumption and Delivery
- Regulation of Perfusion Regulates Solute Transfer
- Some Macromolecules Cross the Capillary Wall by Transcytosis
- Starling First Described the Forces That Drive Bulk Fluid Movement Across Capillaries
- In Most Organs, Net Filtration Pressure Drives Fluid Out of the Capillaries at the Arteriolar End
- The Lymphatics Drain the Fluid Filtered Through the Capillaries Back into the Blood
- Muscle Activity Helps Pump Lymph Through the Lymphatics
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 11. Regulation of Perfusion
- Abstract
- For Any Given Input Pressure, the Caliber of the Arterioles Controls Perfusion of a Tissue
- Vasoconstriction Decreases Capillary Pressure
- Vascular Smooth Muscle Contracts by Activation of Myosin Light Chain Kinase
- Multiple Signals Regulate the Activity of MLCK and MLCP
- Multiple Mechanisms Cause Vasodilation
- Control of Blood Vessel Caliber Is Local (Intrinsic) and Systemic (Extrinsic)
- The Myogenic Response Arises from the Contractile Response to Stretch
- Endothelial Secretions Dilate Arterioles
- Metabolic Products Generally Vasodilate
- Paracrine Secretions Affect Vascular Caliber
- The Sympathetic Nervous System Predominantly Controls the Vascular System
- Circulating Hormones That Affect Vessel Caliber Include Epinephrine, Angiotensin, ANP, and Vasopressin
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 12. Integration of Cardiac Output and Venous Return
- Abstract
- The Cardiovascular System Is Closed
- The Cardiovascular System Can Be Simplified for Analysis
- The Operating Point of the Cardiovascular System Matches Cardiac Function to Vascular Function
- The Mean Systemic Pressure Normally Equals the Mean Circulatory Pressure
- Filling the Empty Circulatory System Reveals Stressed and Unstressed Volumes
- The Vascular Function Curve Can Be Derived from Arterial and Venous Compliances and TPR
- The Experimentally Determined Vascular Function Curve Follows the Theoretical Result Only for Positive Right Atrial Pressures
- Simultaneous Solution of the Cardiac Function Curve and Vascular Function Curve Defines the Steady-State Operating Point of the Cardiovascular System
- Changing Arteriolar Resistance Rotates the Vascular Function Around PMS
- Changes in Blood Volume Shift the Vascular Function Curve Vertically
- Changes in the Cardiac Function Curve Change the Steady-State Operating Point
- Strenuous Exercise Alters Multiple Parts of the Cardiovascular System
- Summary
- Review Questions
- 5. 13. Regulation of Arterial Pressure
- Abstract
- Arterial Pressure Drives Flow but Arterial Pressure also Arisesfrom Flow
- Regulation of Arterial Pressure Occurs on Three Separate Timescales Involving Three Distinct Types of Mechanisms
- Baroreceptors in the Carotid Sinus and Aortic Arch Sense Blood Pressure
- The Baroreflex Regulates Heart and Vasculature to Stabilize Blood Pressure
- The Baroreflex Mediates Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Output from Centers Located in the Medulla
- Inspiration Infl
- 5. 1. Overview of the Cardiovascular System and the Blood
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