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Putting Writing Research into Practice, Applications for Teacher Professional Development

Price: 126,00 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 978-1-60623-627-7
Publishing Year: 2010
Pages: 317


What are the most effective methods for teaching writing across grade levels and student populations? What kind of training do teachers need to put research-validated methods into practice? This unique volume combines the latest writing research with clear-cut recommendations for designing high-quality professional development efforts. Prominent authorities describe ways to help teachers succeed by using peer coaching, cross-disciplinary collaboration, lesson study, and other professional development models. All aspects of instruction and assessment are addressed, including high-stakes writing assessments, applications of technology, motivational issues, writing in different genres and subject areas, and teaching struggling writers.

This book will be of most value to teacher educators and graduate students; K-12 literacy specialists and staff developers; literacy researchers. It will also serve as a supplemental text in graduate-level courses such as Methods of Writing Instruction.

Troia, Shankland, Heintz, Introduction. Part I: Addressing Complexities Facing Schools and Educators. Olinghouse, Zheng, Reed , Preparing Students for Large-Scale Writing Assessments: Research-Based Recommendations. MacArthur, Karchmer-Klein, Web 2.0: New Opportunities for Writing. Troia, Shankland, Wolbers, Reluctant Writers and Their Teachers: Changing Self-Efficacy Beliefs through Lesson Study. Part II: Working with Subject-Area Genres. Certo, Apol, Wibbens, Yoon, Teaching Poetry Writing Pre K-12: A Review of Research and Suggested Directions for Teacher Practice and Development. Norton-Meier, Tippett, Hand, Yore, Professional Development in Teaching Disciplinary Writing in the Context of International Science Reform Efforts. Okolo, Englert, Heutsche, Courtad, Bouck, VanEgmond, Preparing Educators for the Challenges of Teaching Students to Write Like Historians. Part III: Working with Specific Groups of Writers. Roberts, Wibbens, Writing First: Preparing the Teachers of Our Youngest Writers. Lindquist, Hart-Davidson, Grabill, Making Composing Visible: A Study of First-Year College Writers’ Distributed Invention Practices. Page-Voth, Effective Professional Development for Teachers of Struggling Writers. Part IV: Critical Reflections on Teaching Writing and Professional Development. Juzwik, Challenges and Possibilities for Professional Development in Writing Instruction: Connecting Contemporary Writing Teachers with Insights from Diverse Research on Writing. Smagorinsky, Teaching Writing in the Age of Accountability: Reflections from the Academy.


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