Psychological Assessment With the MMPI-2/MMPI-2-RF

This revision of Psychological Assessment with the MMPI-2 incorporates the numerous advances in research and scholarship that have been published since the release of the previous edition more than ten years ago. While the basic integrity of the book remains intact, readers find updated information on Codetype correlates, validity issues, clinical scales, and therapeutic feedback recommendations. A chapter is also devoted to the description and interpretation of the MMPI-2-RF, and, along with a chapter on the multicultural applications of the MMPI-2, these represent two important additions. Additional unusual validity scale configurations help readers deal with complex profiles that are typically not addressed in other textbooks. Underscoring this wealth of practical information are chapters that highlight good administration, scoring, and report writing skills.
Development of the MMPI and MMPI-2. Measures of Profile Validity and Interpreting the Validity Scales. Interpreting the MMPI-2 Clinical Scales and Their Derivatives. Restructured Clinical Scales. Administration and Scoring. Interpreting the Content of the MMPI-2: Critical Items, Content Scales, and Subscales. Interpreting the Supplementary Scales. MMPI-2-RF: Interpreting the Content of the RF Evaluation. Interpretation and Report Writing. Computerized Interpretation of the MMPI-2.
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