versiunea română

Procedural Dermatology, Set Volume 1 and Volume 2 Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium

MRP: 1050,00 lei
This is the Manufacturer's Recommended Price. The selling price of the product is displayed below.
Price: 945,00 lei
Difference: 105,00 lei
Availability: upon order - 7-14 zile
ISBN: 9783132455139
Publishing Year: 2023
Pages: 542


Procedural Dermatology Volume I: Reconstruction

Procedural Dermatology Volume II: Laser and Cosmetic Surgery


Both volumes are edited by esteemed dermatologists Yoon-Soo Cindy Bae and David H.Ciocon.


Volume I provides a comprehensive review of the latest techniques in surgical reconstruction after Mohs surgery based on the location of the defect. The content reflects years of firsthand expertise from an impressive group of internationally recognized reconstructive surgery experts, who contributed chapters on evidence-based surgical, cosmetic, and laser techniques.


Volume II presents minimally invasive and non-invasive procedures to treat a wide range of cosmetic issues and conditions. Twenty-four consistently organized chapters from dermatology pioneers cover the most up-to-date developments in cosmetic dermatology with expert guidance.


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