versiunea română

Preventive Nutrition, The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals

Price: 472,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 978-1-58829-445-6
Publishing Year: 2005
Edition: 3
Pages: 1000


The most comprehensive and up-to-date review of the nutritional strategies available for the prevention of disease and the promotion of health through nutrition. This new edition of over 900 pages combines fully updated versions of the best chapters of the first two editions with updated critical chapters from the much-praised Primary and Secondary Preventive Nutrition, and adds16 new chapters to Preventive Nutrition, Second Edition. All new reviews cover lycopene, tomatoes and prostate cancer, soy and cancer prevention, the effects of dietary supplement use on prescription drugs, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and balanced, data-driven reviews of the effects of antioxidant supplements on health outcomes, and more. Of special interest are the new chapters as well as the extensively revised chapters on drug/nutrient interactions, health economics, nutraceuticals, Federal Drug Administration regulations for supplements, carotenoids, the elderly, children, diet and cancer risk, obesity as a chronic disease, diabetes, and immune function. By synthesizing the latest data and integrating it into the broad body of existing information, this book provides in-depth guidance on nutrition and the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease, bone diseases, obesity, and diabetes, and on achieving optimal pregnancies and birth outcomes. A major unique feature is the inclusion of chapters that describe examples of nutrition intervention strategies that actually improved the health of nations, such as in Norway and Chile, and that critically analyze the health effects of Western diets in Asia. The potential economic benefits of implementing preventive nutrition strategies are also described.


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