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Practical Neurosurgery Analysis of Clinical Cases

Price: 430,50 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9789385062780
Publishing Year: 2021
Pages: 528


An initiative of the Neurological Society of India

The Neurological Society of India (NSI) is the apex body representing neuroscientists in India. For the last 4 years, the society has been publishing a compilation on contemporary topics for neurologists and neurosurgeons titled Progress in Clinical Neurosciences.

NSI has now taken a further step in its attempt at knowledge dissemination by publishing this book—Practical Neurosurgery: Analysis of Clinical Cases—written by eminent experts in the field. This book adopts a problem-solving approach to help neurosurgical practitioners in decision-making and management of their cases. It establishes treatment protocols by analyzing different clinical cases and their diagnosis, and suggests a systematic, algorithmic approach to their management.

The NSI has managed to bring together eminent neurosurgeons from all major medical institutes of the country in a collaborative effort ensuring that the collection is interesting, educative, and immensely informative.

The highlights of this collection are:

  • Clinical approaches of management and presentation of cases in a systematic manner: from the very basic to the very complex.
  • Carefully-researched, detailed information and state-of-the-art perspective in the field
  • Learning tools like flowcharts, figures, boxes, tables, illustrations, and clinical images to elucidate concepts
  • Simple, lucid language to aid comprehension.


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