versiunea română

Practical Approach to the Management and Treatment of Venous Disorders

Price: 577,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 978-1-4471-2890-8
Publishing Year: 2013
Pages: 177


Comprehensive reference book in the management of venous disease
Editorial board of international renown
Presents a simplified approach to the diagnosis and management of most of the common aspects of both cosmetic and medical venous disorders

This book shall assist the microscopist in a practical way, with the help of three mainstays, a. clinical information, b. the resources a standard histopathology laboratory may offer and c. the light microscope, to approach and solve the diagnostic problems he/she may face in the field of dermatopa­thology. In fact, this is the way in which the senior author of this book has been successfully working over thirty years in his capacity as director of a private dermatopathology laboratory.


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