english version

Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants, 2-volume set

Preț: 1680,00 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
ISBN: 9781774911730
Anul publicarii: 2023
Pagini: 1191


This 2-volume book set, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants, introduces and provides extensive coverage of 79 important medicinal plant species.

Each chapter, written by noted experts in the field, focuses on one important medicinal plant, giving a brief introduction about the species and then delving into the plant’s bioactive phytochemicals along with its chemical structures and pharmacological activities. A wide array of biological activities and potential health benefits of the medicinal plant—which includes antiviral, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic properties as well as protective effects on liver, kidney, heart and nervous system—are given. An extensive collection of research literature on pharmacological activities on that species is reviewed.

This volume, published under the AAP Focus on Medicinal Plants book series, edited by the accomplished editor, T. Pullaiah, who has taught, researched, written, and published on medicinal plants for over 35 years, will be an important reference resource for years to come for both new and experienced medicinal researchers.


1. Ilex paraguariensis: Green Gold from South America

Vania Zanella Pinto, Daniella Pilatti-Riccio, Bruna Trindade Paim, Laura De Vasconcelos Costa, Sandra Gomes De Amorin, and Adriana Dillenburg Meinhart


2. The Pharmacological Properties of Brazilian Arnica (Solidago chilensis Meyen)

Felipe Lima Porto, Rafael Vrijdags Calado, Tayhana Priscila Medeiros Souza, Jamylle Nunes De Souza Ferro, Emiliano Barreto, and Maria Danielma Dos Santos Reis


3. Therapeutic Properties of Strychnos nux-vomica L.

Jatin Aggarwal, Ria Singh, and Priyadarshini


4. Phytochemistry and Bioactive Potential of Water Hyssop [Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst.]

M. Indira, D. Sai Sushma, C. Divya, S. Shiva Kumar, S. Krupanidhi, and D. John Babu


5. An Overview of Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Anastatica hierochuntica L.

S. John Adams and Thiruppathi Senthil Kumar


6. Naphthalene: Isoquinoline Group of Alkaloid from Monotypic Family Ancistrocladaceae

Vinayak Upadhya and Sandeep Ramchandra Pai


7. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Centella asiatica L.

Surabhi Tiwari and Brijesh Kumar


8. Biomolecules and Therapeutics of Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & R.R. Fern. (Safed Musli)

Vinod S. Undal


9. Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology of Bryonopsis laciniosa (L.) Naudin

Kumkum Agarwal Sinha


10. Diplocyclos palmatus L.) C. Jeffrey: An Important Medicinal Striped Cucumber

Suraj B. Patel and Savaliram G. Ghane


11. Bioactives and Pharmacology of Curcuma neilgherrensis Wight

B. Kavitha and N. Yasodamma


12. Bioactives and Pharmacology of Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Ex

Royle Tarun Pal, Harish Babukolla, and S. Asha


13. New Insights on Bioactives and Pharmacology of Genipa americana L.

Aline Oliveira Da Conceição


14. Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacology of Cuminum cyminum L.

Thadiyan Parambil Ijinu, Raveendran Nair Ragesh, Maheswari Rani Priya, Thomas Aswany, Mohammed S. Mustak, and Palpu Pushpangadan


15. Ethnopharmacology and Phytochemistry of Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.

Suraj B. Patel and Savaliram G. Ghane


16. Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Studies of Plumbago indica L.: A Medicinal Plant

Prachi Sharad Kakade and Saurabha Bhimrao Zimare


17. Biomolecules and Therapeutics of Terminalia bellirica Roxb.

Vinod S. Undal


18. Phytochemicals and Pharmacological Activities of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.)

Miers Nagalakshmi, K. Abraham Peele, S. Shiva Kumar, M. Indira, T. C. Venkateswarulu, and S. Krupanidhi


19. A Pharmacological View of the Medicinal Properties of the Ziziphus joazeiro Mart.

Rafael Vrijdags Calado, Felipe Lima Porto, Jamylle Nunes De Souza Ferro, Tayhana Priscila Medeiros Souza, and Emiliano Barreto Ana Maria Danielma Dos Santos Reis


20. Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Potentialities of Syzygium caryophyllatum (L.) Alston

Karuppa Samy Kasi, Anjana Surendran, and Raju Ramasubbu


21. Phytochemistry and Biological Activities of Crepidium acuminatum (D.Don) Szlach.: A Systematic Review

Sebastian J. Adams, Thiruppathi Senthil Kumar, and Gnanamani Muthuraman


22. Phytochemistry and Bioactive Potential of Tiririca (Cyperus esculentus L.)

José Francisco Dos Santos Silveira Junior


23. Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Properties of Justicia betonica L.

Ch. Srinivasa Reddy, K. Ammani, and M. Santosh Kumari


24. A Review of Phytochemistry and Pharmacology Profile of Pendant Amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.)

Nayan Kumar Sishu, Parthasarathi Theivasigamani, and Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj


25. Bioactives and Therapeutic Potential of Blood Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.)

Nayan Kumar Sishu, Babu Subramanian, and Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj


26. Bioactive Compounds and Pharmacological Activity of Beta vulgaris L.

Raghvendra Dubey, Kushagra Dubey, Sibbala Subramanyam, and K. N. Jayaveera


27. Phytoconstituents and Pharmacological Properties of Enicostemma axillare Raynal

Jaishree Vaijanathappa


28. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Potential of Ornamental Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis)

Sinoy Sugunan, Rakesh Barik, G. Shiva Kumar, and K. N. Jayaveera


29. Bioactives and Pharmacology of Couroupita guianensis Aubl.

S. Rajashekara and M. Muniraju


30. Review of Pharmacological Activities of Gentiana scabra Bunge

C. V. Jayalekshmi and V. Suresh


31. Pharmacological Importance and Chemical Composition of Mallotus roxburghianus Müell.Arg.

Mary Zosangzuali, Marina Lalremruati, C. Lalmuansangi, F. Nghakliana, and Zothansiama


32. Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Phytolacca fodecandra 

L. Hirpasa Teressa


33. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Aspects of ‘Arogyappacha’, Trichopus zeylanicus Gaertn.

Thadiyan Parambil Ijinu, Thomas Aswany, Manikantan Ambika Chithra, Maheswari Rani Priya, Varughese George, and Palpu Pushpangadan


34. Pharmacological Activities of Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard: A Comprehensive Review

Neha Mishra, Yashaswani Chouhan, Ekta Menghani, and Arvind Pareek


35. Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz: Prehistory to Current Uses to Humankind

Jaya Preethi Peesa and B. Siva Sai Kiran


36. Chemical Composition and Bioactivities of Great Mullein [Verbascum thapsus L. (Family: Scrophulariaceae)]

Shreedhar S. Otari and Savaliram G. Ghane


37. A Brief Review of Biological Properties and Pharmacological Activities of Litsea cubeba

Suparna Lodh


38. Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Calotropis procera L. and C. Gigantea R.Br.

Payal Soan


39. A Review of Bioactive and Pharmacological Activities of Adansonia digitata L.: A Majestic and Universal Remedy Plant

Pulicherla Yugandhar, Chennareddy Maruthi Kesava Kumar, Sade Ankanna, and Nataru Savithramma


40. Phytochemistry and Bioactive Potential of Brassica oleracea L. Var. Botrytis L.

Mitta Raghavendra, M. Mahesh, Sibbala Subramanyam, and K. N. Jayaveera


41. Medicinal Properties and Bioactive Compounds of Stemona tuberosa Lour.

C. Lalmuansangi, Marina Lalremruati, Mary Zosangzuali, F. Nghakliana, and Zothansiama



42. Chemical Composition and Biological Properties of Musk Willow (Salix aegyptiaca L.)

Gadwal Shaik Nishat Anjum, Sharmila Arunagiri, and Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj


43. Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Properties of Salvadora persica L.

M. Santosh Kumari, K. Ammani, and Ch. Srinivasa Reddy


44. Bioactive Components and Pharmacology of Memecylon

S. Asha, C. Umamaheswari, Tarun Pal, and U. Jaya Lakshmi


45. An Account of Traditional Uses, Bioactive Compounds and Pharmacological Activities of the Genus Hydnocarpus (Family: Achariaceae)

Harsha V. Hegde, Santoshkumar Jayagoudar, Pradeep Bhat, and Savaliram G. Ghane


46. Chemical Principles, Bioactivity and Pharmacology of Hedychium spicatum Sm. (Family: Zingiberaceae)

Sinjumol Thomas, K. J.Binimol, and Bince Mani


47. Functional Components and Biological Activities of Kaempferia galanga L. (Chandramoolika)

Chachad Devangi and Mondal Manoshree


48. Bioactive Compounds and Pharmacological Activities of Terminalia pallida Brandis

Pasupuleti Sivaramakrishna, Pulicherla Yugandhar, and Nataru Savithramma


49. Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of an Aquatic Herb Nymphaea pubescens Willd.

Kiran Kumar Angadi, Ammani Kandru, and Ch. Srinivasa Reddy


50. Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene: Exquisite Plant with Therapeutic Effects

Somasundaram Ramachandran and Veeramaneni Alekhya


51. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Achyranthes aspera L. (Amaranthaceae)

Raja Kullayiswamy and Sarojini Devi N.


52. Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen): A Review

Estefani Yaquelin Hernández-Cruz, Omar N. Medina-Campos, and José Pedraza-Chaverri


53. Bioactives and Pharmacology of Cycas beddomei Dyer

B. Kavitha and N. Yasodamma


54. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Tridax procumbens L.: An Asteraceaeous Member

Raja Kullayiswamy K and Sarojini Devi N.


55. Bioactives and Their Biological Potentialities of Wild Cinnamon [Cinnamomum malabatrum (Burm.F.) J.Presl (Lauraceae)]

Saranya Surendran, Chandra Prabha Ayyathurai, and Raju Ramasubbu


56. Therapeutic Potential and Bioactives of Amaranthus spinosus L.

Vrushali Manoj Hadkar, Kallipudi Charishma Reddy, and Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj


57. Mussaenda macrophylla Wall.: Chemical Composition and Pharmacological Applications

Marina Lalremruati, Mary Zosangzuali, C. Lalmuansangi, F. Nghakliana, and Zothansiama


58. Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Potentialities of Syzygium densiflorum Wall. Ex Wight & Arn. and S. travancoricum Gamble (Myrtaceae)

Athira Reghunath, Anjana Surendran, and Raju Ramasubbu


59. Bioactives and Ethnopharmacology of Pittosporum napaulense (Dc.) Rehder & E. H. Wilson

B. Kavitha and N. Yasodamma


60. Tree of Heaven: Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.: Chemistry and Pharmacology

Digambar N. Mokat and Tai D. Kharat


61. Pharmacology and Therapeutic Potential of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.

Jaishree Vaijanathappa


62. A Review of Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities of Aristolochia indica L.

Vishal P. Deshmukh


63. Pharmacological Activities of Diploclisia glaucescens (Blume) Diels

Rutuja J. Tirbhane, Pradip V. Deshmukh, and Utkarsha M. Lekhak


64. Phytochemical Composition and Pharmacological Properties of Red Spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.)

Vrushali Manoj Hadkar, Lankapothu Venkata Charishma, and Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj


65. Bioactive Molecules and Pharmacology Studies of Ecbolium viride (Forssk.)

Alston Sibbala Subramanyam, V. L. Ashok Babu, V. Saleem Basha, and K. N. Jayaveera


66. Phytoconstituents and Pharmacological Activities of Star Fruit [Averrhoa carambola L. (Family: Oxalidaceae)]

Savaliram G. Ghane and Rahul L. Zanan


67. Pharmacological and Phytochemical Review of a Vulnerable Medicinal Plant Embelia ribes Burm. F.

Vidya V. Kamble, Vishwas A. Bapat, and Nikhil B. Gaikwad


68. Bioactives and Pharmacology of Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst.

Chaudhary Hiral, Nainesh R. Modi, and Desai Krishna


69. Bioactives and Pharmacology Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh.

Jitendra R. Patil, Savaliram G. Ghane, and Ganesh C. Nikalje


70. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Properties of Himalayan Silver Birch (Betula utilis D. Don): A Dominant Treeline Forming Species

Khashti Dasila and Mithilesh Singh


71. A Comprehensive Review of Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Potential of Musanga cecropioides R.Br. Ex Tedlie

Vishal P. Deshmukh


72. Angelica clauca Edgew.: An Ethnopharmacological, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review

Swati and H K. Pandey


73. Clusia nemorosa G. Mey: A Plant with Pharmacological Potential

Jamylle Nunes De Souza Ferro, Maria Danielma Dos Santos Reis, Felipe Lima Porto, Rafael Vrijdags Calado, Tayhana Priscila Medeiros Souza, and Emiliano Barreto


74. Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacology of Eclipta prostrata (L.) L.

Thadiyan Parambil Ijinu, Sreejith Pongillyathundiyil Sasidharan, Vasantha Kavunkal Hridya, Sulochana Priji, Sharad Srivastava, and Palpu Pushpangadan


75. Phytochemical Potential and Pharmacology of Ephedra alata Decne.

Savaliram G. Ghane, Santoshkumar Jayagoudar, Pradeep Bhat, and Rahul L. Zanan


76. Ephedra sinica Stapf: An Exemplary Source of Ephedrine-Type Alkaloids

Suraj B. Patel, Pradeep Bhat, Santoshkumar Jayagoudar, Rahul L. Zanan, and Savaliram G. Ghane


77. Pharmacological Review of Potential Underutilized Plant Rhus mysorensis G. Don

Nilesh Vitthalrao Pawar and Ashok Dattatray Chougale


78. Devil’s Cherry (Atropa belladonna L.): A Systematic Review of Its Phytoactives and Pharmacological Properties

Pradeep Bhat, Harsha V. Hegde, Savaliram G. Ghane, and Santoshkumar Jayagoudar


79. Traditional Use, Chemical Constituents and Pharmacology of Cocos nucifera L.

Thadiyan Parambil Ijinu, Manikantan Ambika Chithra, Maheswari Rani Priya, Thomas Aswany, Varughese George, and Palpu Pushpangadan



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