versiunea română

Oxford Handbook of Medical Dermatology

Price: 199,50 lei
Availability: in stock
ISBN: 9780198747925
Publishing Year: 2016
Edition: 2
Pages: 720
Dimensions: Flexicover


  • Provides an overview of the essential information needed to treat dermatological conditions across a broad range of specialities
  • Unique layout designed for ease of use at the bedside or in the clinic
  • Full of practical tips from experienced dermatologists
  • In line with the latest guidelines and curriculum requirements to assist both practice and preparation for examinations
  • Extensively illustrated and in full colour, to help readers' understanding of common and rare conditions
New to this Edition:
  • Presents a brand new chapter on skin and genetics discussing major genodermatoses
  • Comprehensively expanded chapters such as skin in infancy and childhood
  • Includes new full-colour illustrations to aide understanding of conditions
  • Adds new information about the molecular basis of many diseases


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