Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications

Master the nurse’s role in therapeutic nutrition and in teaching dietary health! Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications: A Nursing Approach, 8th Edition describes nutritional healing and wellness from the nurse’s perspective. It covers dietary guidelines with a humanistic, personal touch, using first-hand accounts to show how nutrition principles apply to patients in real-world practice. This edition is updated with the most current guidelines and the latest research on nutrition. Written by noted educators Michele Grodner, Sylvia Escott-Stump, and Suzie Dorner, this leading nutrition text promotes healthy diets and shows how nutrition may be used in treating and controlling diseases and disorders.
New to this edition
- NEW! Nursing Approach sections include Next Generation NCLEX® terminology as well as single-episode cases and questions, with answers on the Evolve website.
Key Features
- Applying Content Knowledge and Critical Thinking: Clinical Applications case studies help you apply nutrition principles to real-world practice situations.
- Personal Perspective box in each chapter offers a firsthand account of the ways in which nutrition affects patients’ lives, demonstrating the personal touch for which this book is known.
- Teaching Tool boxes include strategies for providing nutrition counseling to patients.
- The Nursing Approach boxes analyze a realistic nutritional case study according to the nursing process.
- Social Issue boxes show how ethical, social, and community concerns can influence health and wellness.
- Health Debate boxes address the nurse’s response to differing opinions or controversies about food, nutrition, and health concerns.
- Cultural Considerations boxes show how to understand and respect the food and health customs of specific ethnic groups.
- Key terms and a glossary make it easy to learn key vocabulary and concepts.
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