versiunea română

Nutrition in Infancy, Volume 2

Price: 1050,00 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock - November, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-62703-253-7
Publishing Year: 2012
Pages: 502 p. 28 illus., 9 in color


Useful resource for physicians treating and preventing nutritional problems in infants
Special emphasis is provided for clinicians treating children in developing countries
Includes the latest developments in diagnostic procedures and nutritional support

Nutrition in Infancy: Volume 2 is a very useful resource for all clinicians treating and preventing nutritional problems in infants. This volume covers a wide range of topics that support wellness in infants through the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, malnutrition, and developmental and genetic abnormalities. A variety of chapters deal with nutrients for infants with disabilities, surgery, and other special needs.

The sections in this volume discuss GI Tract Considerations, Formulas, probiotics, hormones and lipids in the health and disease of infants, and the growth and development of infants. In Nutrition in Infancy: Volume 2, a wide range of nutritional and food related therapies to prevent or ameliorate disease, growth retardation and promote health are outlined. The latest developments in diagnostic procedures and nutritional support are also included. Written by a group of international experts, this volume is an indispensable new reference for clinicians with an interest in the nutrition and health of pregnant mothers and their infants.


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