Normal Ultrasound Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System, A Practical Guide
Price: 451,50 lei
Availability: upon order - 7-14 zile
Author: Silvestri, Enzo, Muda, Alessandro, Sconfienza, Luca Maria
ISBN: 978-88-470-2456-4
Publisher: Springer Nature
Publishing Year: 2012
Pages: 142
Clear step-by-step teaching approach for each anatomic region
Ultrasound images and anatomic pictures to explain probe positioning and scanning technique
Useful tips and tricks for each joint
The book provides a comprehensive description of the ultrasound anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and clear guidance on the technique. Ultrasound images are coupled with anatomic pictures explaining probe positioning and scanning technique for the various joints of the musculoskeletal system: shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist, hip, knee, foot, and ankle. For each joint there is also a brief explanation of normal anatomy as well as a list of tricks and tips and advice on how to perform the ultrasound scan in clinical practice. This book will be an excellent practical teaching guide for beginners and a useful reference for more experienced sonographers.
Ultrasound images and anatomic pictures to explain probe positioning and scanning technique
Useful tips and tricks for each joint
The book provides a comprehensive description of the ultrasound anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and clear guidance on the technique. Ultrasound images are coupled with anatomic pictures explaining probe positioning and scanning technique for the various joints of the musculoskeletal system: shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist, hip, knee, foot, and ankle. For each joint there is also a brief explanation of normal anatomy as well as a list of tricks and tips and advice on how to perform the ultrasound scan in clinical practice. This book will be an excellent practical teaching guide for beginners and a useful reference for more experienced sonographers.
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