versiunea română

Neuro-Ophthalmology, The Practical Guide

Price: 735,00 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 9783131383112
Publishing Year: 2005
Edition: 1
Pages: 494 pp, 72 tables, 616 illustrations


Patients suffering from eye and brain disorders rarely consult a neuro-ophthalmologist first, but typically seek help from an ophthalmologist, neurologist, emergency room physician, or optometrist. For those clinicians with minimal experience in reading the signs and symptoms of neuro-ophthalmic disease, here is the first ''hands-on'' book designed for specialists and non-specialists alike. You will find a logical organization beginning with key components of the neuro-ophthalmic examination, moving on to presenting signs and symptoms, then disease-specific chapters, and finally a critical ''how to do it'' guide to the major diagnostic tests. The book features in-depth discussions of optic tumors, diplopia and polyopia, Horner's Syndrome, nerve palsies, visual field defects, eye movement disorders, and more.

Providing the practical information you need to make accurate clinical judgments, sometimes in the midst of an emergency situation, this book is invaluable. It will be a tremendous aid to neurologists, ophthalmologists, emergency room physicians, neurosurgeons, and other specialists called upon to make immediate neuro-ophthalmic decisions, including knowing when referrals are in order.


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