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Netter's Concise Neuroanatomy Updated Edition

Price: 220,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 9780323480918
Publishing Year: 2017
Edition: 1
Pages: 424


This unique, comprehensive book provides rich visual guidance on all aspects of neuroanatomy, as only artwork by master medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD can. Concise tables highlight important aspects of each structure, equipping you with the essential knowledge you need to master this complex discipline.

This "updated" first edition includes an eBook with the print.  The ExpertConsult eBook includes test-yourself images, and notes and highlighting capabilities.  All other content is the same as the 2007 1st edition.

Key Features


  • See every nuance of nervous system anatomy with hundreds of unparalleled Netter diagrams. 
  • Better understand the functional importance and clinical significance of each anatomical structure, thanks to clear tabular summaries.

New to this Edition
  • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience includes test-yourself images, multiple choice questions, notes and highlighting capabilities, all viewable online at expertconsult. com or through the Inkling app.


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