versiunea română

Mosby's Medical Dictionary

Price: 220,50 lei
Availability: upon order - 5-10 zile
ISBN: 9780323639156
Publishing Year: 2022
Edition: 11
Pages: 2032


Binder-Ready Edition: This loose-leaf copy of the full text is a convenient, accessible, and customizable alternative to the bound book. With this binder-ready edition, students can personalize the text to match their unique needs!

Make sense of complex medical terms with this comprehensive reference! Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 11th Edition includes more than 56, 000 authoritative definitions along with 2, 450 illustrations — that’s twice the number of images found in other medical dictionaries. Appendixes in the book and online make it easy to look up frequently used information, and an enhanced eBook version includes animations, audio pronunciations, and more. Helping you communicate more effectively in the workplace, this reference is an indispensable reference for students, nurses, and healthcare professionals.

New to this edition

  • NEW! Approximately 5, 000 new and revised definitions reflect the latest developments in health care, drugs, and nursing terminology.
  • NEW! Approximately 500 new and updated illustrations are included.
  • NEW! Enhanced eBook includes linked audio pronunciations, animations, and integrated reference tables.
  • NEW information on population health is included.
  • NEW! Significant revisions of pharmacology content bring this information up to date.
  • NEW! Added pronunciations are provided in this edition.

Key Features

  • More than 56, 000 entries offer detailed definitions, as well as the latest information on pathophysiology, treatment and interventions, and nursing care.
  • More than 2, 450 color photographs and line drawings demonstrate and explain complex conditions and abstract concepts.
  • Color Atlas of Human Anatomy includes clearly labeled drawings for easy A&P reference.
  • Convenient alphabetical organization makes it easy to find key terms and definitions.
  • Detailed appendixes provide useful information on lab values, pharmacology and clinical calculations, NIC and NOC, infection control standards, and more that can be used throughout your healthcare career.


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