Molecular Basis of Nutrition and Aging

Molecular Basis of Nutrition and Aging: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series focuses on the nutritional issues associated with aging and the important metabolic consequences of diet, nutrition, and health. The book is subdivided into four parts that reflect the impact of nutrition from a biomolecular level to individual health.
In Part One, chapters explore the general aspects of aging, aging phenotypes, and relevant aspects of nutrition related to the elderly and healthy aging. Part Two includes molecular and cellular targets of nutrition in aging, with chapters exploring lipid peroxidation, inflammaging, anabolic and catabolic signaling, epigenetics, DNA damage and repair, redox homeostasis, and insulin sensitivity, among others.
Part Three looks at system-level and organ targets of nutrition in aging, including a variety of tissues, systems, and diseases, such as immune function, the cardiovascular system, the brain and dementia, muscle, bone, lung, and many others. Finally, Part Four focuses on the health effects of specific dietary compounds and dietary interventions in aging, including vitamin D, retinol, curcumin, folate, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, iodine, vitamin B, fish oil, vitamin E, resveratrol, polyphenols, vegetables, and fruit, as well as the current nutritional recommendations.
Part 1: Introductory aspects on aging and nutrition
1. Molecular and Cellular Basis of Aging
2. Unraveling stochastic aging processes in mouse liver: dissecting biological from chronological age
3. Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics: the basis of molecular nutrition
4. Diet and Longevity Phenotype
5. Nutrition in the elderly: general aspects
6. Nutrition in the hospitalized elderly
7. Drug-nutrient interactions in the elderly
8. Nutritional Biomarkers of Aging
9. Food preferences in aging: molecular basis
Part 2: Molecular and cellular targets
10. Telomeres, Nutrition and Aging
11. MTOR, Nutrition and Aging
12. Lipid Peroxidation, Diet and Aging
13. Accumulation of Damage Due to Lifelong Exposure to Environmental Pollution as Dietary Target in Ageing
14. Nutritional impact on anabolic and catabolic signaling
15. Aging and dietary modulation of FoxO1 phosphorylation/acetylation
16. Epigenetic responses to diet in ageing
17. The controversy around sirtuins and their functions in aging
18. DNA damage, DNA repair and Nutrition in Aging
19. Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Dietary Phytochemicals: Implications For Successful Brain Aging
20. Nutritional modulation of Advanced Glycation End-Products
21. miRNAs as Nutritional Targets in Aging
22. Nutritional modulators of cellular senescence
Part 3: System and organ targets
23. Nutrition, diet quality and cardiovascular health
24. Nutrition and the Basis of Cognitive Aging and Dementia
25. Dietary factors affecting osteoporosis and bone health in elderly
26. The aging muscle and Sarcopenia: interaction with diet and nutrition
27. Nutritional status and gastrointestinal health in elderly
28. How nutritional status can affect the immune system in the elderly
29. Glucose Metabolism, Insulin and Aging: Role of Nutrition
30. Nutritional status in ageing and lung disease
31. How nutrition affects kidney function in aging
32. Role of nutrition in visual function in aging
Part 4: Health effects of dietary compounds and dietary interventions
33. Vitamin D-gene interaction and healthful aging
34. Carotenoid supplements and consumption: implications for healthy aging
35. Curcumin mechanisms and applications in aging
36. One-carbon metabolism: an unsung hero for healthy aging
37. Iron Metabolism in Aging
38. Dietary Mineral Intake (potassium, calcium and magnesium) and the biological processes of aging
39. Zinc: an essential trace element for the elderly
40. Selenium deficiency, interventions and the risk of diseases of aging
41. Iodine intake and healthy aging
42. Vitamin B status and health in aging
43. Vitamin C intake and antioxidant status and the diseases of aging
44. Omega 3 fatty acids in aging
45. Vitamin E, inflammatory/immune response and the elderly
46. Mechanisms and effects of Polyphenols in aging
47. Potential of Asian natural products for health in aging
48. Caloric restriction in humans: impact on health
49. Prebiotics and Probiotics in aging population: Effects on the immune-gut microbiota axis
50. Vegetables and fruit in the prevention of chronic age-related diseases
51. Current Nutritional Recommendations: elderly versus earlier stage of life
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