versiunea română

Minor Emergencies

Price: 399,00 lei
Availability: upon order - 5-10 zile
ISBN: 9780323662031
Publishing Year: 2022
Edition: 4
Pages: 896


For clinicians who see patients suffering from non-life-threatening crises, Minor Emergencies, 4th Edition, provides concise, expert guidance on what to do and what not to do for nearly 200 common presentations, including both the correct procedural and pharmaceutical treatments. Completely updated with the latest equipment, devices, dosages, and techniques, this award-winning reference delivers fast, efficient guidance just when you need it. Instructional videos clearly demonstrate pearls and pitfalls of a wide variety of procedures. 


  • Offers a practical approach to common minor emergencies, with brief, to-the-point guidance on everything from febrile seizures in children, foreign body removal, and initial management of epistaxis to rib fractures, sacroiliac joint injection, and patellar dislocation reduction. 

  • Includes new ultrasound examples throughout, plus new chapters on floaters, prophylaxis following sexual exposure, leg edema, piercing complications, Taser injuries, and more. 

  • Provides at-a-glance guidance with "What to Do" and "What NOT to Do" checklists. 

  • Presents information in a highly templated format, with each topic given 2-3 pages of coverage. 

  • Features a discussion box at the end of each chapter with a quick overview of clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, and other points of consideration—with evidence. 

  • Includes access to 38 procedural videos such as removing foreign body from skin, upper facial injury-fracture examination, and more. 

  • Offers procedural sedation recommendations from Dr. Daniel Wolfson. 

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices 


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