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Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional

Price: 483,00 lei
Availability: upon order - 5-10 zile
ISBN: 9780323757041
Publishing Year: 2022
Edition: 3
Pages: 496


Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional, 3rd Edition offers an excellent foundation for understanding the spread, treatment, and prevention of infectious disease — critical knowledge for today’s healthcare professional. This straightforward introductory text makes microbiology approachable and easy to learn, presenting just the right level of information and detail to help you comprehend future course material and apply concepts to your new career.

New to this edition

  • NEW! The Bigger Picture section in each body system chapter identifies other body systems that might be affected by a particular microbial infection.
  • NEW! Technology Boxes highlight new technology, such as artificial intelligence, that is becoming more essential to diagnosis and treatment in the healthcare field.

Key Features

  • UNIQUE! Why You Need to Know and Life Application boxes make the content more relevant by putting material in a real-world context, helping you understand how concepts apply to everyday situations.
  • UNIQUE! Medical Highlights boxes in each chapter provide anecdotal information about a pathological condition mentioned in the chapter, with illustrations and updates on new trends and information specific to the healthcare industry.
  • UNIQUE! Health Care Application tables in each chapter provide quick access to focused information on pathogens as they relate to the subject matter of the chapter, including symptoms, causes, and treatments for a given condition/pathogen when applicable.
  • Timesaving focus on just the necessary information provides the ideal level of introductory microbiology coverage.
  • Chapter outlines and key terms for every chapter enable more efficient learning.
  • Learning objectives clarify chapter goals and guide you through the content.
  • Twenty review questions at the end of each chapter test your retention and help you identify areas requiring further study.


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