versiunea română

Medical Management of Adults with Neurologic Disabilities

MRP: 189,00 lei
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Price: 56,70 lei
Difference: 132,30 lei
Availability: within the limits of available stock
ISBN: 9781933864457
Publishing Year: 2009
Pages: 448


As a result of advances in modern medicine and public health, adults with neurologic disabilities are living longer and often very productive lives. Because of this increased longevity, however, these patients often have secondary medical issues related to the aging process. For example, the management of hypertension, obesity, and diabetes are quite different in spinal cord injury, brain injury, and multiple sclerosis patients than in the standard treatments for typical patients.

Medical Management of Adults with Neurologic Disabilities provides a reference that busy clinicians can refer to in the daily management of the diverse medical problems faced by those living with neurologic disabilities. The chapters have been selected based on the most common medical problems and health care issues that clinicians face daily, with each covering basic information about pertinent anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, patient assessment, and practical treatment advice. With an emphasis on algorithms, clinical pearls, and guidelines, this concise and portable book is an essential means of quick reference for all physicians managing patients aging with neurologic disabilities.

Special features of this unique handbook include:

  • Alphabetically-listed chapters, facilitating quick reference
  • Discussion of management strategies for each medical issue, including pharmacological, non-pharmacological and surgical options
  • Inclusion of pediatric issues where appropriate
  • Contributions from the diverse fields of neurology, PM&R, orthopedics, psychiatry, and internal medicine
  • An emphasis on patient education and patient safety throughout all chapters


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