Manual of Critical Care Nursing

It's the ideal go-to reference for the clinical setting! Compact and easy to use, Manual of Critical Care Nursing, 6th Edition presents essential information on approximately 80 disorders and conditions, as well as concepts relevant to caring for all critically ill patients and functioning in the critical care environment. Award-winning clinical nurse specialists Marianne Baird and Sue Bethel separate the content first by body system and then by disorder, with each disorder including a brief description of pathophysiology, assessment, diagnostic testing, collaborative management, nursing diagnoses, desired outcomes, nursing interventions, patient teaching, and rehabilitation. A concise, consistent format presents the material in a way that reflects a practicing nurse's thought processes.
Key Features
- Coverage of more than 75 disorders most commonly seen in critical care units.
- Consistent, easy-to-use format facilitates quick reference so you can find information exactly where you expect it to be.
- Portable size makes it ideal for use in the unit or bedside, and is also easy to carry on campus.
- Research Briefs boxes present abstracts of selected research studies and emphasize the use of evidence to guide care recommendations.
- NANDA-approved diagnoses are marked with an icon to familiarize you with NANDA terminology.
- Chapters mirror a practicing nurse's approach to patient care, making it quicker and easier to find information.
- Diagnostic Tests tables highlight the definition, purpose, and abnormal findings for each test.
- Collaborative Management tables concisely summarize relevant performance measures while incorporating the best available patient care guidelines.
- Safety Alert! and High Alert! icons call attention to issues important to a patient's safety.
- Chapter outlines display major heads, care plans, and their respective page numbers - and provide easy access to disorders.
New to this Edition
- NEW! Bariatric Considerations section added to assessment sections to help you assess, and prevent complications and improve care in, overweight and obese patients.
- NEW! Section on Caring for the Elderly added to assessment sections to provide you with tips and guidelines unique to elderly patients, including recognizing differences in measuring pain, providing appropriate nutritional support, improving communication, and preventing infection.
- NEW! Updated content throughout keeps you current in the field of critical care nursing.
- NEW! Geriatric icon highlights considerations relating to the care of older adults.
- NEW! The latest NANDA-I nursing diagnoses ensure you stay up-to-date.
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- 264,60 leiPRP: 294,00 lei