versiunea română

Lessons Learned from Rhinologic Procedure Complications A Case-Based Review

Price: 609,00 lei
Availability: upon order - 7-14 zile
ISBN: 978-3-030-75322-1
Publishing Year: 2022
Pages: 202


  • Written by experts in the field

  • Discusses current literature and expert opinions regarding rhinology complications and managment

  • Provides recommendations for effective management that can be used to address and avoid rhinology complications

  • Includes figures, illustrations, photographs, and video to enhance learning and clinical application

Despite meticulous attention to details and expert technique, complications resulting from rhinologic procedures can occur doing one's professional career. This book discusses real-life complications and why these unfortunate events occurred, as well as how best to manage the consequent issues. The text also provides thoughtful strategies to prevent such situations going forward. The book is organized as a series of case-based chapters, each illustrating a complication involving the orbit, the skull base, unexpected bleeding, poor healing, or those relating to intraoperative decision making, and how each was managed by the authors. Each chapter begins with bullet points highlighting key clinical pearls illustrated by that particular case. Written by leaders in the field with decades of experience in sino-nasal procedures, the analysis complements expert opinions with evidence-based published literature and shares experiences related to the most current techniques, devices, and instrumentation. Every otolaryngologist practicing rhinologic procedures will appreciate the candid nature of the discussion and will find enrichment in this shared wisdom. 


Lessons Learned from Rhinologic Procedure Complications: A Case-Based Review serves practitioners of general otolaryngology as well as resident trainees in this field, explaining how best to identify, diagnose, and resolve a complication during rhinology procedures.


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