versiunea română

Kidney Biomarkers Clinical Aspects and Laboratory Determination

Price: 588,00 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9780128159231
Publishing Year: 2020
Pages: 342


Since laboratory testing and biomarkers are an integral part in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease, Kidney Biomarkers: Clinical Aspects and Laboratory Determination covers currently used biomarkers as well as markers that are in development. Laboratories are increasingly more involved in the follow-up confirmatory laboratory testing and this unique volume showcases the collaboration needed to solve diagnostic clinical puzzles between the laboratory and clinician. This volume provides guidance on laboratory test selection and results interpretation in patients. Sources of inaccurate results in the measurement of kidney biomarkers are discussed along with possibility of eliminating such interferences. Each chapter is organized with a uniform easy-to-follow format with insightful case examples highlighting the collaboration between clinical laboratorians and clinicians.

  • Categorizes biomarkers into diagnostic markers, disease follow-up markers, and prognostic biomarkers
  • Include case examples to show the collaboration between the clinical laboratorian and clinician
  • Discusses the application of kidney biomarkers in clinical practice along with addressing laboratory aspects of kidney biomarker determination


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