Kaplan & Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry

MRP: 504,00 lei
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Price: 472,50 lei
Difference: 31,50 lei
Availability: upon order
Author: Samoon Ahmad
ISBN: 9781975222895
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health
Publishing Year: 2024
Edition: 7
Pages: 928
Kaplan & Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Seventh Edition, is a concise, easy-to-use guide to diagnosing the full range of psychiatric disorders in both adults and children. Brief summaries of psychiatric disorders include key aspects of etiology, epidemiology, clinical features, and suggestions for treatment. It's an ideal ready reference for psychiatrists and other physicians, medical students on psychiatric rotations, psychiatric residents, and mental health professionals in psychology, social work, and nursing.
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