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Infertility Management Series: Handbook of Ovarian Stimulation

MRP: 273,00 lei
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Price: 136,50 lei
Difference: 136,50 lei
Availability: limited availability
ISBN: 9789352700608
Publishing Year: 2017
Pages: 230


This book Handbook of Ovarian Stimulation is a thoughtful compilation of topics ranging from the basics of ovarian stimulation to protocols for tailored solutions for different situations in clinical practice to strategies to promote safety and preempt complications. The advent of ovarian stimulation heralded a significant increase both in the number of oocytes retrieved as well as the success rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Today, ovulation induction and controlled ovarian stimulation are integral parts of every assisted reproductive program. Stimulation protocols are currently chosen mainly based on personal preferences and individual experience rather than objective evidence. It includes chapters on the different oral ovulogens as well as the different gonadotropins; stimulation protocols for intrauterine insemination and IVF; for poor and hyper-responders; for egg donors and for oncofertility patients. It also includes information on complications of stimulation, as well as newer drugs and drug delivery systems.


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