versiunea română

In Vivo Atlas of Deep Brain Structures, With 3D Reconstructions

Price: 336,00 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 978-3-540-42561-8
Publishing Year: 2002
Pages: 163


This "in vivo" atlas contains more than 50 magnetic resonance (MR) images of the brain. Each structure is represented in the axial, coronal and sagittal plane, magnified in colour schemes and reconstructed in 3D images with a useful millimetric scale. The atlas offers the reader a practical and simple tool for surgical planning and for diagnostic and anatomical studies. Thanks to the high level of anatomical definition of the in vivo MR images presented in this book, there is no loss in precision as a result of post-mortem changes, which characterizes a classical anatomical atlas, and the overall reliability of the present atlas is significantly enhanced. Finally, this book is an excellent teaching instrument for all students of the neurosciences, regardless of the individual level of training and expertise.

Keywords: MRI atlas; three dimensional reconstructions

Contents: The reference system: the ca-cp plane. MRI technique. Magnified 2D plate reconstructions. Spatial limits and magnification factors. Drawing technique. 3D plate reconstructions: NURBS modeling. Example of how to use the atlas.- Axial sections.- Coronal sections.- Sagittal sections.- 3D reconstructions. Combination of all structures: putamen, globus pallidus medialis and lateralis, ansa lenticularis. Caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus medialis and lateralis, ansa lenticularis. The thalamic region. The amygdala, fornix and periventricular regions.


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