versiunea română

Human Body Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology

Price: 283,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 9781609133443
Publishing Year: 2013
Edition: 3
Pages: 544, 439 illus.
Dimensions: softbound


The new edition of Bruce Wingerd's The Human Body: Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology helps encourage learning through concept building, and is truly written with the student in mind. Learning Concepts divide each chapter into easily absorbed subunits of information, making learning more achievable. Since students in a one-semester course may have little experience with biological and chemical concepts, giving them tools such as "concept statements," "concept check" questions, and a "concept block study sheet" at the end of each chapter help them relate complex ideas to simple everyday events. The book also has a companion Student Notebook and Study Guide (available separately) that reinvents the traditional study guide by giving students a tool to help grasp information in class and then reinforce learning outside of class. With additional, powerful options like PrepU and the ADAM Interactive Anatomy Online Student Lab Activity Guide, students have access to learning activities to help them study, understand, and retain critical course information.


User’s Guide


Chapter 1. Introduction to the Human Body

Chapter 2. The Chemical Basis of the Body

Chapter 3. Cells: The Basis of Life

Chapter 4. Tissues

Chapter 5. The Integumentary System

Chapter 6. The Skeletal System

Chapter 7. The Muscular System

Chapter 8. Organization of the Nervous System

Chapter 9. Sensations

Chapter 10. The Endocrine System

Chapter 11. The Blood

Chapter 12. The Cardiovascular System

Chapter 13. The Lymphatic System and The Body’s Defenses

Chapter 14. The Respiratory System

Chapter 15. The Digestive System

Chapter 16. The Urinary System

Chapter 17. The Reproductive System

Chapter 18. Human Development and Inheritance


Appendix: Answers to Learning Questions
Figure Credits



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