Hayes' Principles and Methods of Toxicology

Hayes’ Principles and Methods of Toxicology has long been established as a reliable and informative reference for the concepts, methodologies, and assessments integral to toxicology. The new edition contains updated and new chapters with the addition of new authors while maintaining the same high standards that have made this book a benchmark resource in the field.
Key Features:
- The comprehensive yet concise coverage of various aspects of fundamental and applied toxicology makes this book a valuable resource for educators, students, and professionals.
- Questions provided at the end of each chapter allow readers to test their knowledge and understanding of the material covered.
- All chapters have been updated and over 60 new authors have been added to reflect the dynamic nature of toxicological sciences
- New topics in this edition include Safety Assessment of Cosmetics and Personal Care Products, The Importance of the Dose/Rate Response, Novel Approaches and Alternative Models, Epigenetic Toxicology, and an Expanded Glossary.
The volume is divided into 4 major sections, addressing fundamental principles of toxicology (Section I. "Principles of Toxicology"), major classes of established chemical hazards (Section II. "Agents"), current methods used for the assessment of various endpoints indicative of chemical toxicity (Section III. "Methods"), as well as toxicology of specific target systems and organs (Section IV. "Organ- and System-Specific Toxicology").
This volume will be a valuable tool for the audience that wishes to broaden their understanding of hazards and mechanisms of toxicity and to stay on top of the emerging methods and concepts of the rapidly advancing field of toxicology and risk assessment.
SECTION I Principles of Toxicology
Chapter 1 History, Understanding and a Possible Future of Toxicology. Harming and Helping through Time.
Richard W. Lane with revisions and a new section by Anthony D. Dayan
Chapter 2 Use of Toxicology in the Regulatory Process
Robyn L. Prueitt, Barbara D. Beck, and Edward J. Calabrese
Chapter 3 The Dose–Response: A Fundamental Concept in Toxicology
Edward J. Calabrese
Chapter 4 Metabolism: A Determinant of Toxicity
Tao Wang and Richard Zang
Chapter 5 Toxicokinetics
Leanne L. Bedard
Chapter 6 Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic and Toxicokinetic Models
Harvey J. Clewell III, Rebecca A. Clewell, and Melvin E. Andersen
Chapter 7 Toxicopanomics: Applications of Genomics, Transcriptomics,
Proteomics, Metabolomics and Lipidomics in Predictive Mechanistic Toxicology
Mohamed-Amin Choukrallah, Marja Talikka, Stephanie Boue, Philippe Alexandre Guy, Aditya Reddy Kolli, Sandro Steiner, David Bovard, Diego Marescotti, Oksana Lavrynenko, Catherine Nury, James N. Battey, Bjorn Titz, Ulrike Kogel, Alain Sewer, Nicolas Sierro, Florian Martin, Nikolai V. Ivanov, Manuel C. Peitsch, and Julia Hoeng
Chapter 8 Toxicologic Assessment of Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Biotechnology Products
Michael A. Dorato, Caitlin J. Murphy, J. Scott Daniels, Erin M. Quist, and C. Steven Godin
Chapter 9 Statistics and Experimental Design for Toxicologists
Shayne C. Gad
Chapter 10 The Practice of Exposure Assessment
Dennis J. Paustenbach, Amy K. Madl, and Andrey Massarsky
Chapter 11 Epidemiology for Toxicologists
Geary W. Olsen, Robert R. Roy, Sarah E. Kleinschmidt, and Ralph R. Cook
Chapter 12 Pathology Principles and Practices for Toxicity Studies
Brad Bolon, Tara Arndt, Adam Aulbach, and Kenneth A. Schafer
Chapter 13 Chemical Toxicology Information Resources
Stephanie Holmgren, Jacqueline Patterson, Kristina Thayer, Philip Wexler, and Antony J. Williams
Chapter 14 Food Safety and Foodborne Toxicants
Fleur De Mooij, Yu Janet Zang, Amy L. Roe, and Angelika Tritscher
Chapter 15 Plant and Animal Toxins
Kevin D. Welch, Glenn F. King, Julian White, Leanne A. Pearson, Brett A. Neilan, and Daniel Cook
Chapter 16 Safety Assessment of Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
Christina Hickey, Siti Amelia Juraimi, Lauren Hutchison, Anne Marie Api, and Benjamin P.C. Smith
Chapter 17 Solvents and Industrial Hygiene
John E. Snawder
Chapter 18 Crop Protection Chemicals: Mechanism of Action and Hazard Profiles
James Bus
Chapter 19 Metals
Paul B. Tchounwou, Joseph R. Landolph, Jr., and Janis E. Hulla
Chapter 20 Radiation Toxicity
Roger O. McClellan
Chapter 21 The Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals in Toxicology Research
Michael J. Caruso, Tyler C. Plachta, Christopher N. Papagiannis, Zac Lloyd, Dale M. Cooper, and David G. Serota
Chapter 22 Novel Approaches and Alternative Models. Validation and Regulatory Acceptance of Toxicological Testing Methods and Strategies
Nicole Kleinstreuer and David Allen
Chapter 23 Modern Instrumental Methods for Studying Mechanisms of Toxicology
W.M. Coleman, III, Serban C. Moldoveanu, Mehdi Ashraf-Khorassini, and Francis L. Martin
Chapter 24 Acute Toxicity and Eye Irritancy
Saura C. Sahu and A. Wallace Hayes
Chapter 25 Short-Term, Subchronic, and Chronic Toxicology Studies
Daniel T. Wilson, Jerry F. Hardisty, Torrie A. Crabbs, and Shannon M. Wallace
Chapter 26 Genetic and Epigenetic Toxicology
Leslie Recio and Tetyana Kobets
Chapter 27 Carcinogenicity Bioassays and Related Assays; Human Relevance
Gary M. Williams, Tetyana Kobets, Michael J. Iatropoulos, Thomas Nolte, and Esther Vock
Chapter 28 Assessment of Behavioral Toxicity
Deborah A. Cory-Slechta and Marissa Sobolewski
SECTION IV Organ- and System-Specific Toxicology
Chapter 29 Dermatotoxicology
Benjamin B. Hayes and Howard J. Maibach
Chapter 30 Inhalation Toxicology
John J. Godleski, Sandra A. McDonald, and Lester Kobzik
Chapter 31 Gastrointestinal Toxicology
Peter Pressman, Roger Clemens, and Robert W. Kapp, Jr.
Chapter 32 Hepatotoxicology
Maksat Babayev, Luma Melo, and James Klaunig
Chapter 33 Principles and Methods for Renal Toxicology
Jennifer G. Schnellmann and Rick G. Schnellmann
Chapter 34 Cardiovascular Toxicology Methods
Barry Bleske and Matthew J. Campen
Chapter 35 Neurotoxicology
Anke M. Tukker, Aaron B. Bowman, Lucio G. Costa, and Michael Aschner
Chapter 36 Toxicology of the Endocrine System
Carr J. Smith, Thomas A. Perfetti, and Judy A. King
Chapter 37 Assessment of Male Reproductive Toxicity
Natasha R. Catlin, Jon C. Cook, and Gregg D. Cappon
Chapter 38 Female Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
Stephen B. Harris, Kary E. Thompson, Pragati S. Coder, Eve Mylchreest, Amy Lavin Williams, and John M. DeSesso
Chapter 39 Immunotoxicology. The Immune System Response to Toxic Insult
Florence G. Burleson, Stefanie C.M. Burleson, Gary R. Burleson, and Victor J. Johnson
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