versiunea română

Handbook of Tumor Syndromes

Price: 1470,00 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9780815393801
Publishing Year: 2020
Pages: 828
Category: ONCOLOGY


Tumors/cancers are characterized by uncontrolled growths of abnormal cells that extend beyond their usual boundaries and disrupt the normal functions of affected organs and systems. While about 75%–80% of tumors/cancers arise sporadically without a family connection, 20%–25% appear to be familial (including 10%–15% nonhereditary familial tumors [or familial tumors] and 5%–10% hereditary familial tumors [or hereditary tumors]). As nonhereditary and hereditary familial tumors often show both tumor-related and non-tumor-related (or syndromic) symptoms, they are referred to as tumor syndromes (or cancer susceptibility syndromes).

In comparison with sporadic tumors/cancers, tumor syndromes (>300 described so far) tend to occur at a younger age, involve multiple organs and systems, produce multiple (often in a distinct spectrum) and bilateral lesions, form multiple hamartomatous, benign, or precursor lesions; locate in specific site(s), display unique syndromic features, and affect multiple members/generations of a family.

This book provides state-of-art and authoritative coverage of nearly 100 tumor syndromes, with chapters presenting overviews of individual tumor syndromes in relation to their biology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Featuring contributions from oncologists, clinicians, and specialists, the book offers a reliable, comprehensive reference on tumor syndromes for scholars and students of medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, nursing, public health, and other biomedical disciplines.

Key Features

  • Reviews the biology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical features of tumor syndromes
  • Contains up-to-date information on the diagnosis and treatment of tumor syndromes
  • Includes expert coverage from leading oncologists and clinicians


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