Handbook of Psychological Assessment

Organized according to the sequence mental health professionals follow when conducting an assessment, this classic resource covers principles of assessment, evaluation, referral, treatment planning, and report writing. Written in a practical, skills-based manner, the sixth editionprovides guidance on the most efficient methods for selecting and administering tests, interpreting assessment data, how to integrate test scores and develop treatment plans as well as instruction on ways to write effective, client-oriented psychological reports.
The latest edition provides through coverage of the most commonly used assessment instruments including the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, Wechsler Memory Scales, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Personality Assessment Inventory, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, NEO Personality Inventory, Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test, and brief assessment instruments for treatment planning, monitoring, and outcome assessment. In addition, this sixth edition includes:
- Fully updated with new research and the DSM-5 and ICD-10
- New chapter on the NEO Personality Inventory-3. The NEO inventories provide a comprehensive assessment of adult and adolescent personality based on the strongly empirically supported Five Factor Model of personality.
- New chapter on the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), which has gained both strong empirical support and wide clinical popularity.
- Includes updated information on the newly developed Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V).
- The chapter on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory includes coverage of both the MMPI-2 and the MMPI-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF)
- The chapter on the Rorschach discusses both the Comprehensive System and the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS).
- The “Use with Diverse Groups” sections reflect the more extensive use of assessment for a wide variety of populations and the importance of competently and sensitively working with diverse populations.
- Greater emphasis on making assessment more user friendly and consumer oriented. This is reflected in suggestions for using everyday language in reports, connecting interpretations to actual client behavior, strategies for wording interpretations in a manner likely to enhance client growth, and the importance of collaborating with clients.
- The treatment planning and clinical decision making chapter has been completely updated, and the psychological report writing chapter has been updated to include the American Psychological Association and Society for Personality Assessment’s current thinking about proficiency in personality assessment.
Preface xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Organization of the Handbook 1
Role of the Clinician 3
Patterns of Test Usage in Clinical Assessment 6
Evaluating Psychological Tests 10
Validity in Clinical Practice 23
Clinical Judgment 26
Phases in Clinical Assessment 32
Recommended Reading 37
Chapter 2 Context of Clinical Assessment 39
Types of Referral Settings 39
Ethical Practice of Assessment 50
Assessing Diverse Groups 59
Selecting Psychological Tests 67
Computer-Assisted Assessment 72
Recommended Reading 74
Chapter 3 The Assessment Interview 77
History and Development 78
Issues Related to Reliability and Validity 82
Assets and Limitations 84
The Assessment Interview and Case History 86
Mental Status Evaluation 93
Interpreting Interview Data 99
Structured Interviews 100
Recommended Reading 111
Chapter 4 Behavioral Assessment 113
History and Development 115
Issues Related to Reliability and Validity 117
Assets and Limitations 120
Strategies of Behavioral Assessment 121
Recommended Reading 136
Chapter 5 Wechsler Intelligence Scales 139
Testing of Intelligence: Pros and Cons 139
History and Development 142
Reliability and Validity 147
Assets and Limitations 151
Use with Diverse Groups 153
Meaning of IQ Scores 156
Cautions and Guidelines in Administration 159
WAIS-IV/WISC-V Successive-Level Interpretation Procedure 161
Wechsler Indexes and Subtests 173
Assessing Brain Damage 196
Assessing Additional Special Populations 204
Short Forms 209
Recommended Reading 213
Chapter 6 Wechsler Memory Scales 215
History and Development 216
Reliability and Validity 222
Assets and Limitations 224
Use with Diverse Groups 226
Interpretation Procedure 227
Interpreting Patterns of Index Scores 230
Comparing Scores on the WAIS-IV and the WMS-IV 238
Additional Considerations: Malingering and Evaluating Change 241
Recommended Reading 242
Chapter 7 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 243
History and Development 246
Reliability and Validity 251
Assets and Limitations 255
Use with Diverse Groups 259
Administration 262
MMPI-2 Interpretation Procedure 263
MMPI-2 Computerized Interpretation 272
MMPI-2 Validity Scales 273
MMPI-2 Clinical Scales 279
MMPI-2 2-Point Codes 302
MMPI-2 Content Scales 328
MMPI-A Content Scales 331
MMPI-2 Harris-Lingoes and Si Subscales 334
MMPI-2 Critical Items 337
MMPI-2 and MMPI-A Supplementary Scales 338
MMPI-2-RF Interpretation Procedure 341
MMPI-2-RF Validity Scales 346
MMPI-2-RF Higher-Order Scales 353
MMPI-2-RF Restructured Clinical Scales 355
MMPI-2-RF Specific Problem Scales 361
Interest Scales 366
MMPI-2-RF Personality Psychopathology Five Scales 366
Recommended Reading 370
Chapter 8 Personality Assessment Inventory 371
History and Development 373
Reliability and Validity 373
Assets and Limitations 375
Use with Diverse Groups 377
Interpretation Procedure 377
Validity Scales 380
Clinical Scales 384
Treatment Scales 404
Interpersonal Scales 408
Additional Clusters 410
Critical Items 415
Recommended Reading 416
Chapter 9 Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory 417
History and Development 419
Reliability and Validity 424
Assets and Limitations 427
Use with Diverse Groups 431
Interpretation Procedure 432
Validity Scales 436
Clinical Personality Patterns 439
Severe Personality Pathology 476
Clinical Syndromes 486
Severe Syndromes 488
Recommended Reading 488
Chapter 10 NEO Personality Inventory 489
History and Development 490
Reliability and Validity 491
Assets and Limitations 493
Use with Diverse Groups 494
Interpretation Procedure 495
Recommended Reading 512
Chapter 11 The Rorschach 513
History and Development 514
Reliability and Validity 518
Assets and Limitations 523
Use with Diverse Groups 527
Comprehensive System: Administration 528
Comprehensive System: Coding 531
Comprehensive System: Scoring the Structural Summary 536
Comprehensive System: Interpretation 539
R-PAS: Administration 581
R-PAS: Coding 584
R-PAS: Scoring the Structural Summary 592
R-PAS: Interpretation 593
Recommended Reading 614
Chapter 12 Screening for Neuropsychological Impairment 615
History and Development 617
Interviewing for Brain Impairment 620
Domains of Neuropsychological Functioning 624
Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition 633
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update 645
Recommended Reading 652
Chapter 13 Brief Instruments for Treatment Planning, Monitoring, and Outcome Assessment 653
Selecting Brief Instruments 654
Symptom Checklist-90-R and Brief Symptom Inventory 655
Beck Depression Inventory–II 662
State Trait Anxiety Inventory 666
Recommended Reading 670
Chapter 14 Treatment Planning and Clinical Decision Making 671
Development and Approaches to Treatment Planning 672
Intervention Options 677
Clinical Decision Making 679
Case Formulation 680
Understanding the Problems 683
Understanding Problem Context 692
Treatment-Specific Client Characteristics 696
The Systematic Treatment Selection (STS)/Innerlife Approach 703
Recommended Reading 705
Chapter 15 The Psychological Report 707
General Guidelines 708
Feedback 728
Format for a Psychological Report 730
Sample Reports 743
Recommended Reading 772
Appendix A Test Publishers/Distributors 773
Appendix B Testing Organizations 777
References 779
Author Index 857
Subject Index 895
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