Handbook of Pediatric Epilepsy
Price: 378,00 lei
Availability: upon order - Ian 2021
Author: Dredge, David (Ed.)
ISBN: 978-3-319-08289-9
Publisher: Springer Nature
Publishing Year: 2021
Epilepsy is the most common neurological problem affecting children and adolescents, with an incidence rate of 1–2%. Diagnosing epilepsy in children is often complicated by age-dependent manifestations which can differ greatly from seizure disorders seen in adults. Thus, effective treatment and management depends on clinicians to establish an accurate diagnosis and choose appropriate therapy based on the likelihood of clinical benefit. Handbook of Pediatric Epilepsy will be a concise overview of seizures in infants, children, and adolescents, including a discussion of common types of seizure disorders, treatment options, recent drug developments, and evidence-based disease management guidelines.
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